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Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Printable Version

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Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Saddin - 27.10.2012

Hi all, I'm making new wanted system, stars in textdraws on other position. I don't know how to delete and remove wanted level that are like in SinglePlayer. I want to remove them and make my own.
I want to remove stars like they are in this picture - /imageshack/img217/6159/nowanted.png

Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Saddin - 28.10.2012


Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - B-Matt - 28.10.2012

I think that you can't delete them. Only you can use your own function instade of SetPlayerWantedLevel.

Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Mr.Anonymous - 28.10.2012

If you're making your own wanted level system then what you can do is detect if a player got any wanted stars and then remove them.

Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Saddin - 28.10.2012

If I create textdraw for example :

new Text:WantedLevelStars;
	WantedLevelStars = TextDrawCreate(599 ,115 , "*");
	TextDrawFont(WantedLevelStars , 3);
	TextDrawLetterSize(WantedLevelStars , 1, 7);
	TextDrawColor(WantedLevelStars , 0xe3ad42FF);
	TextDrawSetOutline(WantedLevelStars , false);
	TextDrawSetProportional(WantedLevelStars , true);
	TextDrawSetShadow(WantedLevelStars , 1);
Then make another five stars, so when someone for example type /wanted [ID] bla bla... "*" turns yellow. Is that possible ?

Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Mr.Anonymous - 28.10.2012

Stars turn yellow when you add wanted level to someone (SetPlayerWantedLevel). But you said you're making your own wanted level system right?

Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Saddin - 28.10.2012

Yap. So just one more question. If you can see on this picture : On right there is a star - wanted level, I dont know what to type in my script like textdraw, what letter or symbol, can't figure it out. It's on the right side.

Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Gangster-rocks - 28.10.2012

Forget it

Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - newbienoob - 28.10.2012

Originally Posted by Saddin
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Yap. So just one more question. If you can see on this picture : *img* On right there is a star - wanted level, I dont know what to type in my script like textdraw, what letter or symbol, can't figure it out. It's on the right side.
It's ]
Only works with textdraw font 2.

Re: Wanted Level - Help - Textdraws - Saddin - 28.10.2012

Thanks, It works