My Script-Addons for Godfather (some changes and other gamemodes will also work)

A few weeks ago I scripted these things for a roleplay server.
And some parts... I don't have any use for it.

If you don't use MidoStream Object Streamer just replace the DestroyStreamObject with DestroyObject and
CreateStreamObject with CreateObject (you have to delete the ",200.0" in the end of the line)

Have fun

<english only>


Add this Commands / publics to your godfather gamemode:

new Float:Bomb_x[MAX_PLAYERS], Float:Bomb_y[MAX_PLAYERS], Float:Bomb_z[MAX_PLAYERS],Bomb[MAX_PLAYERS],Bomb_car[MAX_PLAYERS], Bomb_e[MAX_PLAYERS];
enum pInfo
	if (strcmp(cmd, "/blowup", true) == 0)
			if(PlayerCuffed[playerid] > 0)
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You cant blow up this bomb you already Cuffed !");
				return 1;
	    if(Bomb_e[playerid] != 0 || Bomb_car[playerid] != 0)
	      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Use /placebomb first!");
	      return 1;
	  return 1;
	if (strcmp(cmd, "/placebomb", true) == 0)
 			tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " To bad you are a Cop !");
			  return 1;
			if(PlayerCuffed[playerid] > 0)
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You cant place a bomb you already Cuffed !");
				return 1;
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /placebomb [detonator] [time] seconds!!!");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "types: 0 = time, 1 = manual");
				return 1;
			new detonator;
			detonator = strval(tmp);
			if(detonator == 0)
				tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
				new time;
				time = strval(tmp);
				if(time > 0)
	    		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb] > 0)
	    	  	if(Bomb_car[playerid] != 0 || Bomb_e[playerid] != 0)
	    	    	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Wait until your other bomb explodes!");
	    	    	return 1;
							new car = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
							Bomb_car[playerid] = car;
							format(string, sizeof(string), "You placed a bomb in your vehicle wich will blow up in %d seconds", time);
							SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED2, string);
							PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb] -=1;
		      		new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
		      		GetPlayerPos(playerid, x,y,z);
		      		Bomb_x[playerid] = x;
		      		Bomb_y[playerid] = y;
		      		Bomb_z[playerid] = z;
		      		Bomb[playerid] = CreateStreamObject(1654,Bomb_x[playerid],Bomb_y[playerid],Bomb_z[playerid]-0.958,270.0,0.0,00.00,200.0);
							format(string, sizeof(string), "You placed a bomb wich will blow up in %d seconds", time);
							SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED2, string);
							PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb] -= 1;
							format(string, sizeof(string), "You have %d bombs left.", PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb]);
							SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED2, string);
							Bomb_e[playerid] = 1;
						SetTimerEx("BlowUpBomb", time*1000, 0, "i", playerid);
						return 1;
		    	  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "You don't have a bomb!");
		    	  return 1;
			  if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb] > 0)
	    	  if(Bomb_car[playerid] != 0 || Bomb_e[playerid] != 0)
	    	   	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Wait until your other bomb explodes!");
	    	   	return 1;
						new car = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
						Bomb_car[playerid] = car;
						format(string, sizeof(string), "You placed a bomb in your vehicle. Use /blowup to blow up the bomb.");
						SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED2, string);
						PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb] -=1;
		      	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
		      	GetPlayerPos(playerid, x,y,z);
		      	Bomb_x[playerid] = x;
		      	Bomb_y[playerid] = y;
		      	Bomb_z[playerid] = z;
		      	Bomb[playerid] = CreateStreamObject(1654,Bomb_x[playerid],Bomb_y[playerid],Bomb_z[playerid]-0.958,270.0,0.0,00.00,200.0);
						format(string, sizeof(string), "You placed a bomb. Use /blowup to blow up the bomb.");
						SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED2, string);
						PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb] -= 1;
						Bomb_e[playerid] = 1;
		      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "You don't have a bomb!");
		      return 1;
	  return 1;
	if (strcmp(cmd, "/buygun", true) == 0)
	    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 1)
			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You dont have enough money with you !");
			  return 1;
			new gun;
			new gunid[16];
			new gunstring1[256];
			new gunstring2[256];
			new gunstring3[256];
			new gunstring4[256];
			new gunstring5[256];
			new infostring[256];
			new guncharge;
			new ammocharge;
			new location = PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal];
			if(location == 99 || location == 100 || location == 102 || location == 104)
			  if(BizzInfo[location-99][bProducts] <= 0)
			    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Out Of Stock", 5000, 1);
					return 1;
				new mod = 100;
				tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
					format(string, sizeof(string), "USAGE: /buygun [gunname] [ammoamount]");
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"_______________________________________");
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"*** Guns & Ammo ***");
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2,string);
					format(gunstring1, 256, "Weapons: parachute ($%d) golfclub ($%d) nightstick ($%d) baseballbat ($%d) shovel ($%d) poolcue ($%d)",
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring1);
					format(gunstring2, 256, "Weapons: purpledildo ($%d) whitedildo ($%d) longwhitedildo ($%d) whitedildo2 ($%d) flowers ($%d) cane",
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring2);
					format(gunstring3, 256, "Weapons: sdpistol ($%d) deagle ($%d) mp5 ($%d)",
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring3);
					format(gunstring4, 256, "Weapons: shotgun ($%d) ak47 ($%d) m4 ($%d) rifle ($%d)",
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring4);
					format(gunstring5, 256, "Weapons: pistolammo ($%d) shotgunammo ($%d) smgammo ($%d) assaultammo ($%d) rifleammo ($%d)",
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring5);
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, "Weapons: bomb ($150000)");
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"_______________________________________");
					return 1;
				strmid(gunid, tmp, 0, strlen(cmdtext), 255);
				tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
					format(string, sizeof(string), "USAGE: /buygun [gunname] [ammoamount]");
					return 1;
				new ammo = strval(tmp);
				if(ammo < 1 || ammo > 999) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Ammo ammount not lower then 1 or higher then 999 !"); return 1; }
				if (strcmp(gunid, "parachute", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 46;
					guncharge = GunPrice[0][0]/100*mod;
					ammocharge = 0;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "golfclub", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 2; guncharge = GunPrice[1][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 2; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "nightstick", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 3; guncharge = GunPrice[2][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 3; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "baseballbat", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 5; guncharge = GunPrice[4][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 5; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "shovel", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 6; guncharge = GunPrice[5][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 6; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "poolcue", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 7; guncharge = GunPrice[6][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 7; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "purpledildo", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 10; guncharge = GunPrice[7][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 10; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "whitedildo", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 11; guncharge = GunPrice[8][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 11; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "longwhitedildo", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 12; guncharge = GunPrice[9][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 12; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "whitedildo2", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 13; guncharge = GunPrice[10][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 13; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "flowers", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 14; guncharge = GunPrice[11][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 14; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "cane", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 15; guncharge = GunPrice[12][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 15; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "sdpistol", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 23; guncharge = GunPrice[13][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[25][0]*ammo;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun2] = 23; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo2] = ammo;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "deagle", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 24; guncharge = GunPrice[15][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[25][0]*ammo;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun2] = 24; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo2] = ammo;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "mp5", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 29; guncharge = GunPrice[18][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[27][0]*ammo;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun3] = 29; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo3] = ammo;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "shotgun", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 25; guncharge = GunPrice[19][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[26][0]*ammo;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun3] = 25; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo3] = ammo;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "ak47", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 30; guncharge = GunPrice[22][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[28][0]*ammo;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun4] = 30; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo4] = ammo;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "m4", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 31; guncharge = GunPrice[23][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[28][0]*ammo;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun4] = 31; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo4] = ammo;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "rifle", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					gun = 33; guncharge = GunPrice[24][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[29][0]*ammo;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun4] = 33; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo4] = ammo;
				else if (strcmp(gunid, "bomb", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
					ammocharge = 75000;
					guncharge = 75000;
					gun = 999;
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD6, "ShopKeeper says: I have never heard of that weapon.");
					return 1;
				if((guncharge+ammocharge) > GetPlayerMoney(playerid))
					format(infostring, 256, " You don't have $%d !",guncharge+ammocharge);
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, infostring);
					return 1;
				if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < (guncharge+ammocharge))
				  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Can't afford that !");
				  return 1;
				if(gun == 999)
				  ammo = 1;
				new payout = guncharge + ammocharge;
				format(infostring, 256, "You have purchased %s with %d ammo for $%d",gunid,ammo,payout);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, infostring);
				if(location == 102 && IsACop(playerid)) { }
				else { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - payout); }
				if(gun != 999) { BizzInfo[location-99][bTill] += payout; ExtortionBiz(location-99, payout); }
				else { BizzInfo[location-99][bTill] += 15000; ExtortionBiz(location-99, 15000); }
				PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				if(gun != 999) { PlayerWeapons[playerid] = 1; GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, gun, ammo); }
				else { PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb] += ammo; }
				if(IsACop(playerid) && OnDuty[playerid] < 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pBomb] = 0; }
				GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
				format(string, sizeof(string), "%s bought weapons for $%d at biz %d", sendername, payout, location-99);
				printf("%s", string);
			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"You are not in a store.");
				return 1;
		return 1;
forward BlowUpBomb(playerid);
public BlowUpBomb(playerid)
	if(Bomb_car[playerid] != 0)
		new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
	  GetVehiclePos(Bomb_car[playerid], x, y, z);
	  CreateExplosion(x, y, z, 7, 45.0);
	  SetVehicleHealth(Bomb_car[playerid], 10);
	  Bomb_car[playerid] = 0;
	  CreateExplosion(Bomb_x[playerid], Bomb_y[playerid], Bomb_z[playerid], 7, 45.0);
	  Bomb_e[playerid] = 0;
  	for(new v = 0; v < 700; v++)
	  	if(VehicleToPoint(30.0, v, Bomb_x[playerid], Bomb_y[playerid], Bomb_z[playerid]))
	    	SetVehicleHealth(v, 10);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED2, "Your bomb exploded");
	WantedPoints[playerid]+= 12;
	SetPlayerCriminal(playerid, 255, "Planted a bomb");
  return 1;

forward VehicleToPoint(Float:radi, vehicleid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
public VehicleToPoint(Float:radi, vehicleid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
	new Float:oldposx, Float:oldposy, Float:oldposz;
	new Float:tempposx, Float:tempposy, Float:tempposz;
	GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, oldposx, oldposy, oldposz);
	tempposx = (oldposx -x);
	tempposy = (oldposy -y);
	tempposz = (oldposz -z);
	if (((tempposx < radi) && (tempposx > -radi)) && ((tempposy < radi) && (tempposy > -radi)) && ((tempposz < radi) && (tempposz > -radi)))
		return 1;
	return 0;
Note: You may have to change the location IDs.

Now everybode except Cops can buy bombs and blow them up with /placebomb and /blowup


Sanitary Andreas - Cleaning the streets (with checkpoints)

Again, add this in pInfo:

new check_idx[MAX_CHECK_ROUTES];

new sweeper1, sweeper2, sweeper3, sweeper4, sweeper5;
	sweeper1 = AddStaticVehicle.....
	sweeper2 = AddStaticVehicle.....
	sweeper3 = AddStaticVehicle.....
	sweeper4 = AddStaticVehicle.....
	sweeper5 = AddStaticVehicle..... //Add your car spawns here
forward PlayerInSweeper(playerid);
public PlayerInSweeper(playerid)
	new v = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
	if(v == sweeper1 || v == sweeper2 || v == sweeper3 || v == sweeper4 || v == sweeper5)
		return 1;
	return 0;

public DefineSanitaryCoords()
	new a = 1;
	new c = 1;
	check_X[a][c] = -2044.27;
	check_Y[a][c] = 26.70;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 2;
	check_X[a][c] = -2004.65;
	check_Y[a][c] = 36.23;
	check_Z[a][c] = 32.37;
	c = 3;
	check_X[a][c] = -2004.07;
	check_Y[a][c] = 82.01;
	check_Z[a][c] = 27.10;
	c = 4;
	check_X[a][c] = -1986.38;
	check_Y[a][c] = 146.26;
	check_Z[a][c] = 27.25;
	c = 5;
	check_X[a][c] = -2000.53;
	check_Y[a][c] = 285.16;
	check_Z[a][c] = 33.30;
	c = 6;
	check_X[a][c] = -1999.61;
	check_Y[a][c] = 363.80;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 7;
	check_X[a][c] = -1999.22;
	check_Y[a][c] = 497.70;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 8;
	check_X[a][c] = -1999.80;
	check_Y[a][c] = 609.55;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 9;
	check_X[a][c] = -2000.11;
	check_Y[a][c] = 718.56;
	check_Z[a][c] = 44.86;
	c = 10;
	check_X[a][c] = -2000.27;
	check_Y[a][c] = 882.40;
	check_Z[a][c] = 44.86;
	c = 11;
	check_X[a][c] = -2000.24;
	check_Y[a][c] = 994.52;
	check_Z[a][c] = 49.31;
	c = 12;
	check_X[a][c] = -1958.80;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1052.75;
	check_Z[a][c] = 55.13;
	c = 13;
	check_X[a][c] = -1888.17;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1030.86;
	check_Z[a][c] = 42.86;
	c = 14;
	check_X[a][c] = -1903.32;
	check_Y[a][c] = 820.79;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 15;
	check_X[a][c] = -1901.85;
	check_Y[a][c] = 744.22;
	check_Z[a][c] = 45.01;
	c = 16;
	check_X[a][c] = -1903.04;
	check_Y[a][c] = 618.63;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 17;
	check_X[a][c] = -1853.70;
	check_Y[a][c] = 529.99;
	check_Z[a][c] = 33.56;
	c = 18;
	check_X[a][c] = -1837.96;
	check_Y[a][c] = 440.71;
	check_Z[a][c] = 16.92;
	c = 19;
	check_X[a][c] = -1783.00;
	check_Y[a][c] = 338.25;
	check_Z[a][c] = 12.21;
	c = 20;
	check_X[a][c] = -1714.53;
	check_Y[a][c] = 332.47;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.59;
	c = 21;
	check_X[a][c] = -1629.90;
	check_Y[a][c] = 416.55;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.59;
	c = 22;
	check_X[a][c] = -1558.33;
	check_Y[a][c] = 536.91;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.59;
	c = 23;
	check_X[a][c] = -1555.45;
	check_Y[a][c] = 674.11;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 24;
	check_X[a][c] = -1555.20;
	check_Y[a][c] = 828.63;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 25;
	check_X[a][c] = -1579.22;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1035.18;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 26;
	check_X[a][c] = -1579.56;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1142.27;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 27;
	check_X[a][c] = -1688.83;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1309.42;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.61;
	c = 28;
	check_X[a][c] = -1873.07;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1358.84;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 29;
	check_X[a][c] = -1979.46;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1312.17;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 30;
	check_X[a][c] = -2221.86;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1336.13;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 31;
	check_X[a][c] = -2599.19;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1336.86;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 32;
	check_X[a][c] = -2775.36;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1294.87;
	check_Z[a][c] = 5.53;
	c = 33;
	check_X[a][c] = -2845.39;
	check_Y[a][c] = 976.94;
	check_Z[a][c] = 43.09;
	c = 34;
	check_X[a][c] = -2747.28;
	check_Y[a][c] = 842.69;
	check_Z[a][c] = 57.78;
	c = 35;
	check_X[a][c] = -2748.66;
	check_Y[a][c] = 996.48;
	check_Z[a][c] = 53.88;
	c = 36;
	check_X[a][c] = -2499.37;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1233.99;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 37;
	check_X[a][c] = -2453.65;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1253.12;
	check_Z[a][c] = 31.32;
	c = 38;
	check_X[a][c] = -2123.52;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1326.41;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 39;
	check_X[a][c] = -1653.31;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1230.03;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 40;
	check_X[a][c] = -1562.97;
	check_Y[a][c] = 741.46;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 41;
	check_X[a][c] = -1698.11;
	check_Y[a][c] = 360.39;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.59;
	c = 42;
	check_X[a][c] = -1851.78;
	check_Y[a][c] = 531.93;
	check_Z[a][c] = 33.51;
	c = 43;
	check_X[a][c] = -2008.80;
	check_Y[a][c] = 534.09;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 44;
	check_X[a][c] = -2010.80;
	check_Y[a][c] = 133.35;
	check_Z[a][c] = 27.10;
	c = 45;
	check_X[a][c] = -2069.39;
	check_Y[a][c] = 33.14;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	check_idx[a] = 45;
	a = 2;
	c = 1;
	check_X[a][c] = -2064.02;
	check_Y[a][c] = 9.50;
	check_Z[a][c] = 35.04;
	c = 2;
	check_X[a][c] = -2066.99;
	check_Y[a][c] = 9.50;
	check_Z[a][c] = 35.04;
	c = 3;
	check_X[a][c] = -2070.00;
	check_Y[a][c] = 9.50;
	check_Z[a][c] = 35.04;
	c = 4;
	check_X[a][c] = -2072.98;
	check_Y[a][c] = 9.48;
	check_Z[a][c] = 35.04;
	c = 5;
	check_X[a][c] = -2093.39;
	check_Y[a][c] = 30.77;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 6;
	check_X[a][c] = -2162.52;
	check_Y[a][c] = 31.03;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.74;
	c = 7;
	check_X[a][c] = -2174.44;
	check_Y[a][c] = -173.66;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 8;
	check_X[a][c] = -2341.78;
	check_Y[a][c] = -188.50;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 9;
	check_X[a][c] = -2366.26;
	check_Y[a][c] = 34.71;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.74;
	c = 10;
	check_X[a][c] = -2257.10;
	check_Y[a][c] = 49.43;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.74;
	c = 11;
	check_X[a][c] = -2249.91;
	check_Y[a][c] = 311.80;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.74;
	c = 12;
	check_X[a][c] = -2340.02;
	check_Y[a][c] = 456.10;
	check_Z[a][c] = 32.52;
	c = 13;
	check_X[a][c] = -2383.14;
	check_Y[a][c] = 664.26;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.46;
	c = 14;
	check_X[a][c] = -2425.07;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1110.77;
	check_Z[a][c] = 55.14;
	c = 15;
	check_X[a][c] = -2606.51;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1024.11;
	check_Z[a][c] = 75.38;
	c = 16;
	check_X[a][c] = -2606.65;
	check_Y[a][c] = 910.05;
	check_Z[a][c] = 64.57;
	c = 17;
	check_X[a][c] = -2606.59;
	check_Y[a][c] = 759.77;
	check_Z[a][c] = 36.89;
	c = 18;
	check_X[a][c] = -2609.28;
	check_Y[a][c] = 531.09;
	check_Z[a][c] = 14.02;
	c = 19;
	check_X[a][c] = -2609.17;
	check_Y[a][c] = 324.31;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.74;
	c = 20;
	check_X[a][c] = -2646.19;
	check_Y[a][c] = 287.98;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.74;
	c = 21;
	check_X[a][c] = -2649.15;
	check_Y[a][c] = 222.84;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.75;
	c = 22;
	check_X[a][c] = -2702.83;
	check_Y[a][c] = 220.34;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.74;
	c = 23;
	check_X[a][c] = -2695.30;
	check_Y[a][c] = 332.55;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.75;
	c = 24;
	check_X[a][c] = -2670.12;
	check_Y[a][c] = 412.57;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.70;
	c = 25;
	check_X[a][c] = -2749.57;
	check_Y[a][c] = 399.87;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.70;
	c = 26;
	check_X[a][c] = -2708.89;
	check_Y[a][c] = 235.33;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.74;
	c = 27;
	check_X[a][c] = -2707.34;
	check_Y[a][c] = -61.01;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.75;
	c = 28;
	check_X[a][c] = -2492.00;
	check_Y[a][c] = -71.10;
	check_Z[a][c] = 24.84;
	c = 29;
	check_X[a][c] = -2294.69;
	check_Y[a][c] = -71.94;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 30;
	check_X[a][c] = -2136.29;
	check_Y[a][c] = -72.68;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 31;
	check_X[a][c] = -2074.23;
	check_Y[a][c] = 15.66;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.88;
	check_idx[a] = 31;
// This DefineSanitaryCoords must be called in GameModeInit !!!!!
 	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] == check_idx[PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper]])
  			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "* You cleaned the streets *");
    	GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2000);
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] = 0;
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper] = 0;
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] += 1;
			new a, c;
			a = PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper];
			c = PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint];
			SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, check_X[a][c], check_Y[a][c], check_Z[a][c], check_X[a][c+1], check_Y[a][c+1], check_Z[a][c+1], 10);


OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] != 0)
	  PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] = 0;
	  PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper] = 0;
And the command to start cleaning
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/cleanstreets", true) == 0)
	    new r = random(3);
	    new b;
	    if(r == 0 || r == 1)
	      b = 1;
	      b = 2;
	    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper] == 0)
	    	PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] = 1;
	    	PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper] = b;
	    	SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, check_X[b][1], check_Y[b][1], check_Z[b][1], check_X[b][2], check_Y[b][2], check_Z[b][2], 10);
				return 1;
			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, " You already started cleaning!");
			  return 1;
	  return 1;


Paintball with fog & different weapons
I changed the paintball system of the Gamemode..
Now you can start paintball (as owner) with /startpaintball.
You can choose different weapons with /paintballweapon
And you can turn on/off the fog machines with /paintballfog

new PaintballWeapon = 29;
new pb1, pb2, pb3, pb4, pb5, pb6, pb7, pb8, pb9, pb10, pb11, pb12, pb13, pb14, PaintballLights;

	  if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pPbiskey] == 110)
			if(PaintballRound != 1 && StartingPaintballRound != 1)
				StartingPaintballRound = 1;
	 			SetTimer("PreparePaintball", 25000, 0);
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2,"You are not the Paintball owner!");
		return 1;

	if (strcmp(cmd, "/paintballweapon", true) == 0)
	  if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pPbiskey] == 110)
			new gunid[16];
			tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
				format(string, sizeof(string), "USAGE: /paintballweapon [weapon]");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, string);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Available weapons: mp5, m4, shotgun, deagle, sniper");
				return 1;
			strmid(gunid, tmp, 0, strlen(cmdtext), 255);
			if(strcmp(gunid, "mp5", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD6, "New Weapon: mp5");
				PaintballWeapon = 29;
			if(strcmp(gunid, "m4", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD6, "New Weapon: m4");
				PaintballWeapon = 31;
			if(strcmp(gunid, "shotgun", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD6, "New Weapon: shotgun");
				PaintballWeapon = 25;
			if(strcmp(gunid, "deagle", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD6, "New Weapon: deagle");
				PaintballWeapon = 24;
			if(strcmp(gunid, "sniper", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD6, "New Weapon: sniper");
				PaintballWeapon = 34;
		return 1;

	if(strcmp(cmd, "/paintballfog", true) == 0)
	  if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pPbiskey] == 110)
			tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /paintballfog [on/off (1/0)])");
				return 1;
			new lights;
			lights = strval(tmp);
			if(lights == 0) { PaintballLights = 0; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Lights deactivated"); }
			else { PaintballLights = 1; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Lights activated"); }
		return 1;
public PreparePaintball()
	SBizzInfo[10][sbLocked] = 1;
  for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	    if(PlayerPaintballing[i] != 0)
	      SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Paintball Match will start in 20 seconds.");
	if(PaintballLights == 1)
	  pb1 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -424.4894,2244.1006,41.0297, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0); //nebelwerfer
	  pb2 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -444.2784,2229.9668,41.0297, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb3 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -412.7010,2236.1665,41.0297, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb4 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -395.0357,2222.0054,41.0297, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb5 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -391.2655,2245.9839,41.0864, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb6 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -379.0988,2250.5029,41.0847, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb7 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -372.8440,2231.3389,41.0844, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb8 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -355.1347,2210.4773,41.0844, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb9 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -379.2328,2213.9641,41.0937, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb10 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -379.0988,2250.5029,40.8847, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb11 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -360.6726,2246.6438,41.0844, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb12 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -416.7401,2199.7825,41.0297, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb13 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -435.0857,2211.9426,41.0297, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
	  pb14 = CreateStreamObject(2780, -399.0452,2264.4978,40.4586, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
 	SetTimer("StartPaintball", 20000, 0);
	return 1;
public StartPaintball()
	PaintballRound = 1;
	StartingPaintballRound = 0;
	PaintballWinner = 999;
	PaintballWinnerKills = 0;
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	    if(PlayerPaintballing[i] != 0)
	      GivePlayerWeapon(i, PaintballWeapon, 10000);
	      TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
	      SetPlayerArmour(i, 0);
	      SetPlayerHealth(i, 100);
	      SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Paintball Match started, 8 minutes left.");
	      PlayerPlaySound(i, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	SetTimer("PaintballEnded", 480000, 0);
	return 1;

public PaintballEnded()
	new string[256];
	new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
  for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	    if(PlayerPaintballing[i] != 0)
	        GetPlayerName(PaintballWinner, name, sizeof(name));
	        format(string,sizeof(string), "** %s won the Paintball Match with %d kills **",name,PaintballWinnerKills);
	        SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
	      PlayerPaintballing[i] = 0;
	      PlayerPaintballKills[i] = 0;
	      SetPlayerPos(i, SBizzInfo[10][sbEntranceX],SBizzInfo[10][sbEntranceY],SBizzInfo[10][sbEntranceZ]);
	AnnouncedPaintballRound = 0;
  PaintballRound = 0;
  if(PaintballLights == 1)
		DestroyStreamObject(pb1); DestroyStreamObject(pb2); DestroyStreamObject(pb3);
		DestroyStreamObject(pb4); DestroyStreamObject(pb5); DestroyStreamObject(pb6);
		DestroyStreamObject(pb7); DestroyStreamObject(pb8); DestroyStreamObject(pb9);
		DestroyStreamObject(pb10); DestroyStreamObject(pb11); DestroyStreamObject(pb12);
		DestroyStreamObject(pb13); DestroyStreamObject(pb14);
	return 1;
In SetPlayerSpawn delete the old paintball spawn

		if(PlayerPaintballing[playerid] != 0)
   		GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, PaintballWeapon, 999);
   		SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
   		SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 0);
		  rand = random(sizeof(PaintballSpawns));
			SetPlayerPos(playerid, PaintballSpawns[rand][0], PaintballSpawns[rand][1], PaintballSpawns[rand][2]);
		  return 1;


lol xD have you icq ? / hast du icq R.Dragons ?


Originally Posted by RDragon
Sanitary Andreas - Cleaning the streets (with checkpoints)

Again, add this in pInfo:

new check_idx[MAX_CHECK_ROUTES];

new sweeper1, sweeper2, sweeper3, sweeper4, sweeper5;
	sweeper1 = AddStaticVehicle.....
	sweeper2 = AddStaticVehicle.....
	sweeper3 = AddStaticVehicle.....
	sweeper4 = AddStaticVehicle.....
	sweeper5 = AddStaticVehicle..... //Add your car spawns here
forward PlayerInSweeper(playerid);
public PlayerInSweeper(playerid)
	new v = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
	if(v == sweeper1 || v == sweeper2 || v == sweeper3 || v == sweeper4 || v == sweeper5)
		return 1;
	return 0;

public DefineSanitaryCoords()
	new a = 1;
	new c = 1;
	check_X[a][c] = -2044.27;
	check_Y[a][c] = 26.70;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 2;
	check_X[a][c] = -2004.65;
	check_Y[a][c] = 36.23;
	check_Z[a][c] = 32.37;
	c = 3;
	check_X[a][c] = -2004.07;
	check_Y[a][c] = 82.01;
	check_Z[a][c] = 27.10;
	c = 4;
	check_X[a][c] = -1986.38;
	check_Y[a][c] = 146.26;
	check_Z[a][c] = 27.25;
	c = 5;
	check_X[a][c] = -2000.53;
	check_Y[a][c] = 285.16;
	check_Z[a][c] = 33.30;
	c = 6;
	check_X[a][c] = -1999.61;
	check_Y[a][c] = 363.80;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 7;
	check_X[a][c] = -1999.22;
	check_Y[a][c] = 497.70;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 8;
	check_X[a][c] = -1999.80;
	check_Y[a][c] = 609.55;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 9;
	check_X[a][c] = -2000.11;
	check_Y[a][c] = 718.56;
	check_Z[a][c] = 44.86;
	c = 10;
	check_X[a][c] = -2000.27;
	check_Y[a][c] = 882.40;
	check_Z[a][c] = 44.86;
	c = 11;
	check_X[a][c] = -2000.24;
	check_Y[a][c] = 994.52;
	check_Z[a][c] = 49.31;
	c = 12;
	check_X[a][c] = -1958.80;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1052.75;
	check_Z[a][c] = 55.13;
	c = 13;
	check_X[a][c] = -1888.17;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1030.86;
	check_Z[a][c] = 42.86;
	c = 14;
	check_X[a][c] = -1903.32;
	check_Y[a][c] = 820.79;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 15;
	check_X[a][c] = -1901.85;
	check_Y[a][c] = 744.22;
	check_Z[a][c] = 45.01;
	c = 16;
	check_X[a][c] = -1903.04;
	check_Y[a][c] = 618.63;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 17;
	check_X[a][c] = -1853.70;
	check_Y[a][c] = 529.99;
	check_Z[a][c] = 33.56;
	c = 18;
	check_X[a][c] = -1837.96;
	check_Y[a][c] = 440.71;
	check_Z[a][c] = 16.92;
	c = 19;
	check_X[a][c] = -1783.00;
	check_Y[a][c] = 338.25;
	check_Z[a][c] = 12.21;
	c = 20;
	check_X[a][c] = -1714.53;
	check_Y[a][c] = 332.47;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.59;
	c = 21;
	check_X[a][c] = -1629.90;
	check_Y[a][c] = 416.55;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.59;
	c = 22;
	check_X[a][c] = -1558.33;
	check_Y[a][c] = 536.91;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.59;
	c = 23;
	check_X[a][c] = -1555.45;
	check_Y[a][c] = 674.11;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 24;
	check_X[a][c] = -1555.20;
	check_Y[a][c] = 828.63;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 25;
	check_X[a][c] = -1579.22;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1035.18;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 26;
	check_X[a][c] = -1579.56;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1142.27;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 27;
	check_X[a][c] = -1688.83;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1309.42;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.61;
	c = 28;
	check_X[a][c] = -1873.07;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1358.84;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 29;
	check_X[a][c] = -1979.46;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1312.17;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 30;
	check_X[a][c] = -2221.86;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1336.13;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 31;
	check_X[a][c] = -2599.19;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1336.86;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 32;
	check_X[a][c] = -2775.36;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1294.87;
	check_Z[a][c] = 5.53;
	c = 33;
	check_X[a][c] = -2845.39;
	check_Y[a][c] = 976.94;
	check_Z[a][c] = 43.09;
	c = 34;
	check_X[a][c] = -2747.28;
	check_Y[a][c] = 842.69;
	check_Z[a][c] = 57.78;
	c = 35;
	check_X[a][c] = -2748.66;
	check_Y[a][c] = 996.48;
	check_Z[a][c] = 53.88;
	c = 36;
	check_X[a][c] = -2499.37;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1233.99;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 37;
	check_X[a][c] = -2453.65;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1253.12;
	check_Z[a][c] = 31.32;
	c = 38;
	check_X[a][c] = -2123.52;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1326.41;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 39;
	check_X[a][c] = -1653.31;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1230.03;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 40;
	check_X[a][c] = -1562.97;
	check_Y[a][c] = 741.46;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.60;
	c = 41;
	check_X[a][c] = -1698.11;
	check_Y[a][c] = 360.39;
	check_Z[a][c] = 6.59;
	c = 42;
	check_X[a][c] = -1851.78;
	check_Y[a][c] = 531.93;
	check_Z[a][c] = 33.51;
	c = 43;
	check_X[a][c] = -2008.80;
	check_Y[a][c] = 534.09;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.58;
	c = 44;
	check_X[a][c] = -2010.80;
	check_Y[a][c] = 133.35;
	check_Z[a][c] = 27.10;
	c = 45;
	check_X[a][c] = -2069.39;
	check_Y[a][c] = 33.14;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	check_idx[a] = 45;
	a = 2;
	c = 1;
	check_X[a][c] = -2064.02;
	check_Y[a][c] = 9.50;
	check_Z[a][c] = 35.04;
	c = 2;
	check_X[a][c] = -2066.99;
	check_Y[a][c] = 9.50;
	check_Z[a][c] = 35.04;
	c = 3;
	check_X[a][c] = -2070.00;
	check_Y[a][c] = 9.50;
	check_Z[a][c] = 35.04;
	c = 4;
	check_X[a][c] = -2072.98;
	check_Y[a][c] = 9.48;
	check_Z[a][c] = 35.04;
	c = 5;
	check_X[a][c] = -2093.39;
	check_Y[a][c] = 30.77;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 6;
	check_X[a][c] = -2162.52;
	check_Y[a][c] = 31.03;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.74;
	c = 7;
	check_X[a][c] = -2174.44;
	check_Y[a][c] = -173.66;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 8;
	check_X[a][c] = -2341.78;
	check_Y[a][c] = -188.50;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 9;
	check_X[a][c] = -2366.26;
	check_Y[a][c] = 34.71;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.74;
	c = 10;
	check_X[a][c] = -2257.10;
	check_Y[a][c] = 49.43;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.74;
	c = 11;
	check_X[a][c] = -2249.91;
	check_Y[a][c] = 311.80;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.74;
	c = 12;
	check_X[a][c] = -2340.02;
	check_Y[a][c] = 456.10;
	check_Z[a][c] = 32.52;
	c = 13;
	check_X[a][c] = -2383.14;
	check_Y[a][c] = 664.26;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.46;
	c = 14;
	check_X[a][c] = -2425.07;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1110.77;
	check_Z[a][c] = 55.14;
	c = 15;
	check_X[a][c] = -2606.51;
	check_Y[a][c] = 1024.11;
	check_Z[a][c] = 75.38;
	c = 16;
	check_X[a][c] = -2606.65;
	check_Y[a][c] = 910.05;
	check_Z[a][c] = 64.57;
	c = 17;
	check_X[a][c] = -2606.59;
	check_Y[a][c] = 759.77;
	check_Z[a][c] = 36.89;
	c = 18;
	check_X[a][c] = -2609.28;
	check_Y[a][c] = 531.09;
	check_Z[a][c] = 14.02;
	c = 19;
	check_X[a][c] = -2609.17;
	check_Y[a][c] = 324.31;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.74;
	c = 20;
	check_X[a][c] = -2646.19;
	check_Y[a][c] = 287.98;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.74;
	c = 21;
	check_X[a][c] = -2649.15;
	check_Y[a][c] = 222.84;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.75;
	c = 22;
	check_X[a][c] = -2702.83;
	check_Y[a][c] = 220.34;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.74;
	c = 23;
	check_X[a][c] = -2695.30;
	check_Y[a][c] = 332.55;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.75;
	c = 24;
	check_X[a][c] = -2670.12;
	check_Y[a][c] = 412.57;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.70;
	c = 25;
	check_X[a][c] = -2749.57;
	check_Y[a][c] = 399.87;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.70;
	c = 26;
	check_X[a][c] = -2708.89;
	check_Y[a][c] = 235.33;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.74;
	c = 27;
	check_X[a][c] = -2707.34;
	check_Y[a][c] = -61.01;
	check_Z[a][c] = 3.75;
	c = 28;
	check_X[a][c] = -2492.00;
	check_Y[a][c] = -71.10;
	check_Z[a][c] = 24.84;
	c = 29;
	check_X[a][c] = -2294.69;
	check_Y[a][c] = -71.94;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 30;
	check_X[a][c] = -2136.29;
	check_Y[a][c] = -72.68;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.73;
	c = 31;
	check_X[a][c] = -2074.23;
	check_Y[a][c] = 15.66;
	check_Z[a][c] = 34.88;
	check_idx[a] = 31;
// This DefineSanitaryCoords must be called in GameModeInit !!!!!
 	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] == check_idx[PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper]])
 			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "* You cleaned the streets *");
    	GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2000);
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] = 0;
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper] = 0;
    	PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] += 1;
			new a, c;
			a = PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper];
			c = PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint];
			SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, check_X[a][c], check_Y[a][c], check_Z[a][c], check_X[a][c+1], check_Y[a][c+1], check_Z[a][c+1], 10);


OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] != 0)
	  PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] = 0;
	  PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper] = 0;
And the command to start cleaning
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/cleanstreets", true) == 0)
	    new r = random(3);
	    new b;
	    if(r == 0 || r == 1)
	      b = 1;
	      b = 2;
	    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper] == 0)
	    	PlayerInfo[playerid][checkpoint] = 1;
	    	PlayerInfo[playerid][sweeper] = b;
	    	SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, check_X[b][1], check_Y[b][1], check_Z[b][1], check_X[b][2], check_Y[b][2], check_Z[b][2], 10);
				return 1;
			  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, " You already started cleaning!");
			  return 1;
	  return 1;

Did all that, but now my samp crashes at login. Anyone got any idea why?

I got some prob with cleaning the streets. Did all right. no errors, but samp crashes.

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