OnPlayerSpawn is not responding.

Hello, i'm having an issue with OnPlayerSpawn, the problem is that this function is not responding, it wont work, i deleted the code in it and added a simple print("Hi"); and nothing, the same issue happens. any ideas?

Not responding as in not called when a player spawns?
Would help if you showed us your code.

When the player enters the right password. It needs to spawn him, but nothing happens. I told you the code is empty, i added only print line and nothing, it wont show up.

Try SpawnPlayer(playerid) when player successfully logged in.

Use SetSpawnInfo on OnPlayerConnect

Both of these are not working.

Show us your code please.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
    print( "Hi" );
    return true;
Hi is not being printed.

You said the player doesn't spawn, can you show us the other relevant code bits?

Woh, you still dont get it, I 'M TELLING YOU THIS, THE PUBLIC IS NOT WORKING, IT WONT PRINT, IT WONT DO ANYTHING. if you really want
pawn Код:
if( IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )

            npcname[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]

            GetPlayerName( playerid, npcname, sizeof( npcname ) );

            if( !strcmp(npcname, "Juste", true ) )
                SetPlayerSkin   ( playerid, 211 );
                SetPlayerColor  ( playerid, KILL_COLOR );

            if( !strcmp(npcname, "Audrius", true ) )
                SetPlayerSkin   ( playerid, 60 );
                SetPlayerColor  ( playerid, KILL_COLOR );
        return true;

    // :Rodome, Naikiname Tekstus
    TextDrawShowForPlayer   ( playerid, Engine );
    TextDrawShowForPlayer   ( playerid, Powered );
    SetPlayerColor          ( playerid, KILL_COLOR );
    SetTimerEx              ( "AMX_ServerCount",1000*60,false,"%d",playerid );

    if( newguy[ playerid ] )

            rand = random( sizeof( RandomSpawn ) )

        SetPlayerPos( playerid,
                                RandomSpawn[ rand ][ 0 ],
                                RandomSpawn[ rand ][ 1 ],
                                RandomSpawn[ rand ][ 2 ]);

        newguy          [ playerid ] = false;
        ShowPlayerDialog    ( playerid,900, 1, "Бveskite tikrа Savo {09AB0C}El.Paрtа{FFFFFF}", "Бveskite:", "Tжsti", "" );

        for                 ( new i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) SendClientMessage( playerid, -1,"" );

        SendClientMessage   ( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Бveskite savo tikrа {09AB0C}elektroninб paрtа{FFFFFF}" );
        SendClientMessage   ( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Б jб gausite beveik visа informacijа" );
        SendClientMessage   ( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Pirkimш raktus, sаskaitos susigraюinimа, svarbiа informcijа" );
        SendClientMessage   ( playerid, -1, "Бvedus {D1111E}netinkamа{FFFFFF} {09AB0C}elektroninб paрtа{FFFFFF}, prarandate galimybж naudotis" );
        SendClientMessage   ( playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "Didюiuma sistemos privilegijш" );
        SendClientMessage   ( playerid, -1, "Apie savo {D1111E}sаskaitos{FFFFFF} valdymа galite suюinoti {FF8C00}(/saskaita){FFFFFF}" );

    if( OperationStatus[ playerid ] )
        TextDrawHideForPlayer   ( playerid, ConnectBox );
        if( PVar[ playerid ][ pLastX ] != 0.0 && PVar[ playerid ][ pLastY ] != 0 )

                msg     [ 180 ],
                Query   [ 150 ],
                Date    [ 50 ],
                fetch   [ 50 ],

            format              ( Query,150,"SELECT * FROM `jail` WHERE `JName` = '%s' LIMIT 1",pName( playerid ) );
            mysql_query         ( Query );
            mysql_store_result  ( );
            mysql_fetch_row     ( Query );

            mysql_fetch_field_row   ( fetch,"aJail" );
            sscanf                  ( fetch, "i", aJailVar );
            AdminJail               [ playerid ] = aJailVar;

            mysql_fetch_field_row   ( fetch,"aJailtime" );
            sscanf                  ( fetch, "i", aJailT );
            AdminJailTime           [ playerid ] = aJailT;

            if( AdminJailTime[ playerid ] > 1 ) // :BETA

                format                  ( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Jыs esate vis dar бkalintas {8612F9}%i{FFFFFF} sekundлmis. {E19D0A}NGG.LT{FFFFFF}", AdminJailTime[ playerid ] );
                SendClientMessage       ( playerid, -1, msg );

                TextDrawShowForPlayer   ( playerid, ConnectBox );

            // :Serverio Timeriai, Galimas Leakas!
            if( TVar[ playerid ][ tPhone ] )
                 SetTimerEx( "AMX_BatteryCount",1000*60,false,"%d",playerid );

            SetPlayerPos( playerid,
                                    PVar[ playerid ][ pLastX ],
                                    PVar[ playerid ][ pLastY ],
                                    PVar[ playerid ][ pLastZ ] );

            SetPlayerInterior   ( playerid, PVar[ playerid ][ pInt ] );
            SetPlayerSkin       ( playerid, PVar[ playerid ][ pSkin ] );

            getdate ( Year, Month, Day );
            gettime ( Hour, Minute, Second );
            format  ( Date, 50 , "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second );

            format( msg, sizeof msg, "Sveiki Sugrбюe Б Serverб {D80000} %s {FFFFFF}\
                                    \nApie Юaidimo Naujienas Galite Suюinoti Suvede\
                                    \n{FF8C00}                  (/naujienos){FFFFFF}"
, pName( playerid ) );

            ShowPlayerDialog        ( playerid,90, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Serveris", msg, "Uюdaryti", "" );

            format              ( Query,150,"SELECT * FROM `security` WHERE `SName` = '%s' LIMIT 1",pName( playerid ) );
            mysql_query         ( Query );
            mysql_store_result  ( );
            mysql_fetch_row     ( Query );

                GetDate [ 50 ],
                IP      [ 17 ],

            mysql_fetch_field_row   ( GetDate, "CDate" );
            mysql_fetch_field_row   ( IP, "IP" );

            mysql_fetch_field_row   ( fetch,"Muted" );
            sscanf                  ( fetch,"i",Mut );
            MutedSeconds            [ playerid ] = Mut;

            mysql_fetch_field_row   ( fetch,"Invite" );
            sscanf                  ( fetch,"i",Invite );
            Invited                 [ playerid ] = Invite;

            format                  ( msg,150,"{FF4500}Рi Sаskaita paskutinб kartа buvo Aktyvi{FFFFFF}: {FF8C00}%s{FFFFFF} iр {008000}%s IP{FFFFFF}",GetDate, IP );
            SendClientMessage       ( playerid,-1,msg );

            format                  ( Query, sizeof( Query ), "UPDATE `security` SET `CDate` = '%s', `IP` = '%s'  WHERE `SName` = '%s'", Date, GetPlayerIpEx( playerid ), pName( playerid ) );
            mysql_query             ( Query );

            OperationStatus         [ playerid ] = false;
            TextDrawShowForPlayer   ( playerid, ServerBuild );

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