OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
Hello, i'm having an issue with OnPlayerSpawn, the problem is that this function is not responding, it wont work, i deleted the code in it and added a simple print("Hi"); and nothing, the same issue happens. any ideas?
Re: OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
Re: OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
When the player enters the right password. It needs to spawn him, but nothing happens. I told you the code is empty, i added only print line and nothing, it wont show up.
Re : OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
Re: OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
Re: Re : OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
Re: OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
Re: OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
Re: OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
You said the player doesn't spawn, can you show us the other relevant code bits?
Re: OnPlayerSpawn is not responding. -
Woh, you still dont get it, I 'M TELLING YOU THIS, THE PUBLIC IS NOT WORKING, IT WONT PRINT, IT WONT DO ANYTHING. if you really want
pawn Код:
if( IsPlayerNPC( playerid ) )
npcname[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]
GetPlayerName( playerid, npcname, sizeof( npcname ) );
if( !strcmp(npcname, "Juste", true ) )
SetPlayerSkin ( playerid, 211 );
SetPlayerColor ( playerid, KILL_COLOR );
if( !strcmp(npcname, "Audrius", true ) )
SetPlayerSkin ( playerid, 60 );
SetPlayerColor ( playerid, KILL_COLOR );
return true;
// :Rodome, Naikiname Tekstus
TextDrawShowForPlayer ( playerid, Engine );
TextDrawShowForPlayer ( playerid, Powered );
SetPlayerColor ( playerid, KILL_COLOR );
SetTimerEx ( "AMX_ServerCount",1000*60,false,"%d",playerid );
if( newguy[ playerid ] )
rand = random( sizeof( RandomSpawn ) )
SetPlayerPos( playerid,
RandomSpawn[ rand ][ 0 ],
RandomSpawn[ rand ][ 1 ],
RandomSpawn[ rand ][ 2 ]);
newguy [ playerid ] = false;
ShowPlayerDialog ( playerid,900, 1, "Бveskite tikrа Savo {09AB0C}El.Paрtа{FFFFFF}", "Бveskite:", "Tжsti", "" );
for ( new i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) SendClientMessage( playerid, -1,"" );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Бveskite savo tikrа {09AB0C}elektroninб paрtа{FFFFFF}" );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Б jб gausite beveik visа informacijа" );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Pirkimш raktus, sаskaitos susigraюinimа, svarbiа informcijа" );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, -1, "Бvedus {D1111E}netinkamа{FFFFFF} {09AB0C}elektroninб paрtа{FFFFFF}, prarandate galimybж naudotis" );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "Didюiuma sistemos privilegijш" );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, -1, "Apie savo {D1111E}sаskaitos{FFFFFF} valdymа galite suюinoti {FF8C00}(/saskaita){FFFFFF}" );
if( OperationStatus[ playerid ] )
TextDrawHideForPlayer ( playerid, ConnectBox );
if( PVar[ playerid ][ pLastX ] != 0.0 && PVar[ playerid ][ pLastY ] != 0 )
msg [ 180 ],
Query [ 150 ],
Date [ 50 ],
fetch [ 50 ],
format ( Query,150,"SELECT * FROM `jail` WHERE `JName` = '%s' LIMIT 1",pName( playerid ) );
mysql_query ( Query );
mysql_store_result ( );
mysql_fetch_row ( Query );
mysql_fetch_field_row ( fetch,"aJail" );
sscanf ( fetch, "i", aJailVar );
AdminJail [ playerid ] = aJailVar;
mysql_fetch_field_row ( fetch,"aJailtime" );
sscanf ( fetch, "i", aJailT );
AdminJailTime [ playerid ] = aJailT;
if( AdminJailTime[ playerid ] > 1 ) // :BETA
format ( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Jыs esate vis dar бkalintas {8612F9}%i{FFFFFF} sekundлmis. {E19D0A}NGG.LT{FFFFFF}", AdminJailTime[ playerid ] );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, -1, msg );
TextDrawShowForPlayer ( playerid, ConnectBox );
// :Serverio Timeriai, Galimas Leakas!
if( TVar[ playerid ][ tPhone ] )
SetTimerEx( "AMX_BatteryCount",1000*60,false,"%d",playerid );
SetPlayerPos( playerid,
PVar[ playerid ][ pLastX ],
PVar[ playerid ][ pLastY ],
PVar[ playerid ][ pLastZ ] );
SetPlayerInterior ( playerid, PVar[ playerid ][ pInt ] );
SetPlayerSkin ( playerid, PVar[ playerid ][ pSkin ] );
getdate ( Year, Month, Day );
gettime ( Hour, Minute, Second );
format ( Date, 50 , "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second );
format( msg, sizeof msg, "Sveiki Sugrбюe Б Serverб {D80000} %s {FFFFFF}\
\nApie Юaidimo Naujienas Galite Suюinoti Suvede\
\n{FF8C00} (/naujienos){FFFFFF}", pName( playerid ) );
ShowPlayerDialog ( playerid,90, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Serveris", msg, "Uюdaryti", "" );
format ( Query,150,"SELECT * FROM `security` WHERE `SName` = '%s' LIMIT 1",pName( playerid ) );
mysql_query ( Query );
mysql_store_result ( );
mysql_fetch_row ( Query );
GetDate [ 50 ],
IP [ 17 ],
mysql_fetch_field_row ( GetDate, "CDate" );
mysql_fetch_field_row ( IP, "IP" );
mysql_fetch_field_row ( fetch,"Muted" );
sscanf ( fetch,"i",Mut );
MutedSeconds [ playerid ] = Mut;
mysql_fetch_field_row ( fetch,"Invite" );
sscanf ( fetch,"i",Invite );
Invited [ playerid ] = Invite;
format ( msg,150,"{FF4500}Рi Sаskaita paskutinб kartа buvo Aktyvi{FFFFFF}: {FF8C00}%s{FFFFFF} iр {008000}%s IP{FFFFFF}",GetDate, IP );
SendClientMessage ( playerid,-1,msg );
format ( Query, sizeof( Query ), "UPDATE `security` SET `CDate` = '%s', `IP` = '%s' WHERE `SName` = '%s'", Date, GetPlayerIpEx( playerid ), pName( playerid ) );
mysql_query ( Query );
OperationStatus [ playerid ] = false;
TextDrawShowForPlayer ( playerid, ServerBuild );