05.09.2012, 17:48
Последний раз редактировалось Dizzle; 06.09.2012 в 18:50.
Hello everyone, my problem is that when I create a GangZone for a specific faction it shows perfectly on the MAP, but it all gets messed up on the MiniMap.
Picture of the MAP:
Its alright here, but lets check the minimap.
Pictures of the Mini-Map:

I've tried by putting the zones in the GM, I've tried with FS also, but its the same.
So what I need is someone to fix them or atleast tell me what I did wrong ?!?
Here's the GangZones in a FS - http://pastebin.com/B3cAVir5
Thanks in advance!
Edit:I've tried all GangZone scripts but it has the same bug on the minimap and no, its not because of my game modifications, cause its bugged for everyone.
Picture of the MAP:

Its alright here, but lets check the minimap.
Pictures of the Mini-Map:

I've tried by putting the zones in the GM, I've tried with FS also, but its the same.
So what I need is someone to fix them or atleast tell me what I did wrong ?!?
Here's the GangZones in a FS - http://pastebin.com/B3cAVir5
Thanks in advance!
Edit:I've tried all GangZone scripts but it has the same bug on the minimap and no, its not because of my game modifications, cause its bugged for everyone.