Need a little help with the GangZones. - Printable Version
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Need a little help with the GangZones. HELP!! -
Dizzle - 05.09.2012
Hello everyone, my problem is that when I create a GangZone for a specific faction it shows perfectly on the MAP, but it all gets messed up on the MiniMap.
Picture of the MAP:
Its alright here, but lets check the minimap.
Pictures of the Mini-Map:
I've tried by putting the zones in the GM, I've tried with FS also, but its the same.
So what I need is someone to fix them or atleast tell me what I did wrong ?!?
Here's the GangZones in a FS -
Thanks in advance!
Edit:I've tried all GangZone scripts but it has the same bug on the minimap and no, its not because of my game modifications, cause its bugged for everyone.
Re: Need a little help with the GangZones. -
Dizzle - 06.09.2012
Seems its time for a BUMP, cmon It should be easy for the professional scripters...
Re: Need a little help with the GangZones. -
trapstar2020 - 06.09.2012
is ur minimap modded?
Re: Need a little help with the GangZones. -
Dizzle - 06.09.2012
It isnt, only the radar's overhaul is, and its not bugged only for me - its bugged for everyone. (It cant be because of any mods cause when I play in another servers its not like that.)
Re: Need a little help with the GangZones. -
trapstar2020 - 06.09.2012
are u hosting it now if u are put the ip : port so i can see it/send me a link of script
Re: Need a little help with the GangZones. -
Dizzle - 06.09.2012
Alright, lemme put the turfs on again and I will PM you.
Heres the link: