Invisible players.

Hello again.
I found little problem that I see such a player and he doesn't see me. All the time a player stands freezed, but says that he is walking. It doesn't have anything to do with the virtual worlds or interiors. Maybe someone has had this problem?

I had that problem when I used AFK command! But i think it's virtual worlds (i know you said that that's not problem).

I don't think that the problem is in commands. And I checked virtual word + setted virtuals ingame, and nothing changed.

We'll actually i have found this bug/glitch where you can't see a player most of the time after they relog it should fix or yourself are bugged and need to relog this happens in SA-MP sometimes its even happened to me ,If i'm wrong and its a case of a bugged command or a glitch in the script i'd advise a check on what commands the player did when he logged in

I found that player silhouette freezes after SetPlayerPos function. I don't know what really problem is in it.


I had the same problem in my server.

Originally Posted by Элиот
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How did you fix it?

i had this problem

Maybe onplayerupdate

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