Mark player

Hey, I have question. How to mark player with yellow marker like entrances or with that white arrow, that if player is choosen or randomly just set arrow top of his head? +rep


OKey, i tried with that attach to head staff and arrow is attached in the middle to head, how can i coordinate arrow distanc of head and set right standing angle?

It's the z coordinate offset you want to change.

SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 3, 19487, 2, 0.101, -0.0, 0.0, 5.50, 84.60, 83.7, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF00FF00);

fOffsetZ (optional) Z axis offset for the object position. Add to the z coordinate ~2.0-2.5 and the arrow will be above the players head. Sorry i replied late. I had to go out.

okey. Thanks. and how to get from this
pawn Код:
#define COLOR_GOLD 0xFFD700AA
get something like that "{8FE11F}" //green but only gold from that code

Originally Posted by bleedis
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okey. Thanks. and how to get from this
pawn Код:
#define COLOR_GOLD 0xFFD700AA
get something like that "{8FE11F}" //green but only gold from that code
remove the first two and last two characters (0x and AA)
pawn Код:

Thanks both!

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