Script Request Thread

New Server IP!:
We are up 24/7 and Hope to keep it that way!
We need admins and a team.. Looking for people who can be committed and help out too^^

Can anyone make a script for MTA or SAMP, that allows the player to strip their car of all doors, bumpers, hoods, etc... to exposed are car which cant obtain any visual damage? I want this so I can make some stripped down rally cars etc, not so much so that I cant take visual damage. Besides I don't think the bumpers can come off. In advance, thanks!

Originally Posted by APIOQM
Can anyone make a script for MTA or SAMP, that allows the player to strip their car of all doors, bumpers, hoods, etc... to exposed are car which cant obtain any visual damage? I want this so I can make some stripped down rally cars etc, not so much so that I cant take visual damage. Besides I don't think the bumpers can come off. In advance, thanks!
Pretty sure that is not possible, Anyone back me up on that ?

Can anyone make a script if player dies then hes banned for 24h ?

Originally Posted by Mixman
Can anyone make a script if player dies then hes banned for 24h ?
Won't be playing there. Well you could have it ban them in the gamemode and set a timer for 24hours to unban them.


I Already Have A Gm That I Have Scripted MySelf That Is around 2200 Lines And Now Im Getting Into The Complicated stuff such as drug systems cellphones and such

If You Join You Get Lead Admin
Forum Admin
Scripter Credits
Owner Credits
any power you want really

This Is A Causual Rp Server That May Compete With the Likes of LSB Streets Of Los Santos If Scripted To The Fullest

Please PM or Contact Me At Do Not Email Get Me On MSN

People really don't script for admin or anything. They don't really care about that. I mean unless they know you or something or play there. But you really should offer money if you're looking for a good scripter.

meh im scrappin the idea den if no scripter comes forward

Okay, i'm crappy PAWN scripter. I want to buy Gang Roleplay script from professional coder, with reliable reputation. I can tell some specifications here for you to see, if you can handle next things: - First time login: random player character spawns from random place in LS with random amount of cash with random car ownership. Player can only drive his car, unless he buy picklock from some place. He can sell hes car to get some cash. When player have $5000, he can buy gang ownership. When he types /makegang [Name] [Color ID], he is founder of new gang. Then players can ask for join /joingang, or founder can ask player to join /invitegang.. /duelgang [Name] [Rules] will send gangfight challenge to other clan.. Player can buy meeting place for his gang, so i want that house etrance creatinon is easy to do in-game. Also car ownership and login system is neccessary. For more specified information, add me MSN if you feel you can script something like that. I will pay of course, and keep credit to coder. I take right to edit, update and re-develop the script, as i have some PAWN skills left.

I can pay Ђ5 - Ђ20, and you can use others scripts, if they give you permission to that. (For example login system)

somebody want help me ? how i can made that light on my mode ,? Msn


new pip[64];
	new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
	GetPlayerIp(playerid, pip, sizeof(pip));
	for(new i, m = GetMaxPlayers(); i < m; i++)
		if (!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
 		if (IsPlayerAdmin(i))
			format(pip, sizeof pip, "*** %s has joined the server.(ID:%d) [IP: %s]", name,playerid, pip);
			format(pip, sizeof pip, "*** %s has joined the server.(ID:%d)", name, playerid);
		SendClientMessage(i, 0xAAAAAAAA, pip);
Seif you gave this to me. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it shows me the Ip sometimes it shows me (in the []) again "has joined t"

what's wrong?

I need a house system! someone please PM me!

Originally Posted by gemadon
I need a house system! someone please PM me!
Use Sandras House system.
It's the best I know.

Originally Posted by Durability

Me and a couple of friends have thought of hosting our own server for a long time, however none of us have the ability to script that complicated scripts that we might like, therefore we've gathered a sum of money (most likely 150-200$) in hope of buying a script.

Now we don't want to buy a script made, we want a scripter to MAKE a script for us - excactly as we would like it. We was thinking about either a onetime ammount being paid for the script OR a price each 100/200 lines w/e.

The work will be quite timetaking, as it will be a roleplaying script with everything that relates to this - with serious features ! Alot of work will have to be done. Stats/jobs/houses/factions/business' - EVERYTHING that a roleplaying server (in our opinion) will need, and this will be a whole gamemode script with everything related to it - made from scratch !

Feel free to contact me at any time for more information.

Thank you for your time.

PS: A "little" list of things which will HAVE to be done:
Multiple house ownership
Multiple business ownership
Adminsystem (specialized for OUR needs, as said, this is going to be after our head, no rip offs)
Pointsystem connected to a levelsystem
Bank system with interest
Banking opportunities as /transfer, /withdraw, /deposit etc.
A radio system (we got the plans for aswell this system as everything else)
Car spawns.
Player spawns
Ranking systems in the factions. (/rankup, /rankdown, /uninvite, /invite etc.)
Headquarter spawns for the factions.
++ Alot of other features of course.

In hope of doing future business with you, reply me if you seem to be interested.
Sure, ill make a script for you if you pay. I am very cheap. Give me your e-mail and PM me.

Originally Posted by Seif_
Originally Posted by Flo_White
new pip[64];
	new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
	GetPlayerIp(playerid, pip, sizeof(pip));
	for(new i, m = GetMaxPlayers(); i < m; i++)
		if (!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
 		if (IsPlayerAdmin(i))
			format(pip, sizeof pip, "*** %s has joined the server.(ID:%d) [IP: %s]", name,playerid, pip);
			format(pip, sizeof pip, "*** %s has joined the server.(ID:%d)", name, playerid);
		SendClientMessage(i, 0xAAAAAAAA, pip);
Seif you gave this to me. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it shows me the Ip sometimes it shows me (in the []) again "has joined t"

what's wrong?
new pip[128];

Originally Posted by gemadon
... I am very cheap...
Omg, that sounded weird :P

Originally Posted by LarzI aka. GloZzy
Originally Posted by gemadon
... I am very cheap...
Omg, that sounded weird :P
Cheap whore.

Originally Posted by Mixman
I want that people who have donate rank have colored name

i think it should look something like this, if not please edit

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] > 0) 
 SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_RED);
But where in GM should i put this?
Put it in public OnPlayerLogin under the other ifs...( below those messy things) if you are using GF...

Originally Posted by Serbish
Originally Posted by LarzI aka. GloZzy
Originally Posted by gemadon
... I am very cheap...
Omg, that sounded weird :P
Cheap whore.
Lol, not that way, I mean my scripts are very cheap

I want [GM] sf Role play

give me plese

PM plese

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