[Include] Random Functions V1

Random Functions V1


Hello, this is a set of 11 random functions. And by random, I mean REALLY random - even more random than the things Logitech90 posts. I was bored today, and I thought "I haven't released something on the SA:MP forums in like... 5 months", so I thought I'd strike again. These functions are really not advanced, but still, I thought I'd release them.

The Functions
  • RotationToPoint(int playerid,double x, double y)

    Description: Gets the required rotation of a player towards a point.
    • int playerid - The PlayerID of the player whose rotation you want to get
    • double x - The X (horizontal) location on the map of the point
    • double y - The Y (vertical) location on the map of the point
    Returns: The rotation as a Double/Float

  • RotationToPlayer(int playerid,int playerid2)

    Description: Gets the required rotation of a player towards another player.
    • int playerid - The PlayerID of the player whose rotation you want to get
    • int playerid2 - The PlayerID of the player whose co-ordinates you want to get the rotation to
    Returns: The rotation as a Double/Float

  • RotationToVehicle(int playerid,int vehid)

    Description: Gets the required rotation of a player towards a vehicle.
    • int playerid - The PlayerID of the player whose rotation you want to get
    • int vehid- The ID of the vehicle whose co-ordinates you want to get the rotation to
    Returns: The rotation as a Double/Float

  • strrev(const string[],int len)

    Description: Reverses the specified string
    • const string[]- The string that will be reversed
    • int len - The lenght of the string that will be reversed. Specifying a lower value may trim the string
    Returns: The reversed string as a string/char array

  • substr(const string[],int index,int len)

    Description: Returns the portion of a string, specified by the index and len parameters.
    • const string[]- The string that will be reversed
    • int index - The starting index of the portion in the string
    • int len - The lenght of the portion
    Returns: The substring as a string/char array

  • FormatInt(int number, char delimiter)

    Description: Formats a number using the specified delimiter
    • int number - The number which will be formatted Note: The number should not exceed 9 characters
    • char delimiter - The ascii character that will be used in the formatting
    Returns: The formatted number as a string/char array

  • fRandom(double max)

    Description: Generates a random double number/float between 0 and a value
    • double/float max - The highest possible number
    Returns: The random number as a double/float

  • fRandomEx(double min,double max)

    Description: Generates a random double number/float between two values
    • double/float min - The lowest possible number
    • double/float max - The highest possible number
    Returns: The random number as a double/float

  • RandomEx(int min,int max)

    Description: Generates a random double number/float between two values
    • int min - The lowest possible number
    • int max - The highest possible number
    Returns: The random number as an int

  • IsPlayerSwimming(int playerid)

    Description: Checks if a player is currently swimming
    • int playerid - The ID of the player whose state you want to check
    Returns: Weather a player is swimming as a boolean

  • IsPlayerFalling(int playerid)

    Description: Checks if a player is currently falling
    • int playerid - The ID of the player whose state you want to check
    Returns: Weather a player is falling falling as a boolean


The installation is simple - Just download the file and put it in your "ServerFolder/pawno/include". Then, in your scripts, use #include <hfunc>



Mirrors are welcome

very usefull
IsPlayerFalling kinda new


I got one question about IsPlayerFalling. You detect it by animation, but if the animation is setted? For better precistion of player falling try to get the falling speed (should be costant) plus set the animation.

Nice work.


Originally Posted by TheArcher
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I got one question about IsPlayerFalling. You detect it by animation, but if the animation is setted? For better precistion of player falling try to get the falling speed (should be costant) plus set the animation.
Well why would anyone set a falling animation?

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