Shall i or not?

Haii out there, i have been scripted a gamemode which is using mysql and is on 25 k lines, now there is only 1 problem,

Shall i publish it, do you guys want me to publish ?

What gamemode is it

i basiclly made it as a CnR server

Well in my opinion, what good is a script if people aren't allowed the functionality of been able to use the script to put it to work, for what it was meant to do. It's a much more ethical prospect to share it alongside the SA-MP community for others to enjoy rather than one person, one server and only a select amount of members from that server to be able to use it. My conclusion drawn from what I've mentioned above is that, yes you should release this script to the public.

I totally give a fuck.

Originally Posted by CrazyChoco
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Shall i publish it, do you guys want me to publish ?
Originally Posted by TheDominator
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yes you should release this script to the public.
All you had to say, and not a fatass paragraph.

Originally Posted by DaRealShazz
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I totally give a fuck.
Look no one asked you to post here with an inappropriate comment, if you want it to be released or not then a simple yes or no answer would be alot more suitable instead of 'fuck'...

@Windows32: Maybe I like to talk in full, detailed sentences. I did it so that the creator of the script could see a variety of different opinions as to why he should release it, from my perspective anyways.

yes would like to but i wont use it


Well, it'd be quite helpful to the people who are in need of a good Cops and Robbers server.

My answer: Yes

Why not?

SQL CnR would be nice. There currently aren't any proper out there.

Yes, why not, but soon as u release this we will see 20 servers on hosted list using this gamemode, same happend with SATDM made by pimp. Thats only bad thing

edit: you can also sell it if is bug free

No you shouldn't I helped you script it Thanks for asking me

You can try to host a server with that gamemode, if people dont like, release, else keep runing server with cool gamemode :P

Do not publish it! I made it with you, and you didn't ask me.

Originally Posted by Sajeevan
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Do not publish it! I made it with you, and you didn't ask me.
@CrazyChoco, Listen to wise man, like really, later you will regret you released.

Don't release it

If you need money so sell it and do not publish, If you want other's learn from you and you cool, publish it.

i might want to put it on, but i dont know if i shall make a server where people can test it only for like 24 hours then they can say their openion again, I didnt make the commands compleatly so it will say "Can't Connect to (WEBSITE)/commands.txt" or something like that

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