suggest me please

Hello, i need your help please

I want to host my SA:MP Server and im looking for host which i can pay 50 slots with my mobile...
I will be happy for help.


you can use onebip if you want to pay using your mobile

yes i can, but im asking you guys if you can suggest me host....


Volt-Host supports the use of OneBip so I guess Volt-Host is the one for you. Here:

ye, but volt host supports max 23 slots, i need host for 50 slots

Volt-Host supports up to 800 player slots...

i wish host that makes your server on hosted list in SA:MP, does volt-host do that?

Sorry but it doesn't you'll need to pay an extra $10 at least to any other type of host to gain that privilege. As far as I know the only service that I know that would be able to do that has been closed.

ok, tnx for help anyway

Originally Posted by [SF]DeathBringer
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i wish host that makes your server on hosted list in SA:MP, does volt-host do that?
They dosent.but Color-host does and some others .

ty samp india, i would love to host SA:MP Server on colorhost, but i cant pay with my mobile, and i dont have credit card, can someone pay it for me and i give him money on onebip...?

you see i cant even order server on color host... i reggistred and i dont know how to order it...

Look i click order new service:

and it shows me this...

help where can i order SAMP host for hosted list in color host

The 'hosted' tab is just stupid. There's over 150 servers on there anyway so it's really not any better than the 'internet' tab. Plus, being on the 'hosted' tab may be more exclusive than 'internet', but it's by no means guaranteed to increase your server's visibility in the server browser. I'd be willing to bet most people don't even click the 'hosted' tab, let alone check it thoroughly for good servers.

Certainly no reason to pass up a very lovely host. Go with Volt-Host.

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