[Include] ILang

Inferno Language System - ILang

The script so that the player will be able to choose your language in which it will display messages.


The functions of the script:

native SelectLanguage(playerid)
playerid - The player to whom we send a message.
native SetPlayerLang(playerid, langid)
playerid - Player who want to set the language.
langid - ID of the language (LANG_POL or LANG_ENG).
native GetPlayerLang(playerid)
playerid - ID of the player you grab the ID language.
native SendClientLangMessage(playerid, color, textP[], textA[])
playerid - The player to whom we send a message.
color - Color of the message.
textP - Message in Polish.
textA - Message in English.
native SendClientLangMessageToAll(color, textP[], textA[])
color - Color of the message.
textP - Message in Polish.
textA - Message in English.
native SendClientLangMessageToOther(playerid, color, textP[], textA[])
playerid - The player, which can not send messages.
color - Color of the message.
textP - Message in Polish.
textA - Message in English.
native ShowPlayerLangDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, captionP[], captionA[], infoP[], infoA[], button1P[], button1A[], button2P[], button2A[])
playerid - The player to whom we show a dialog.
dialogid - ID of the dialog.
styl - style of the dialog.
captionP - Heading in the Polish language.
captionA - Heading in the English language.
infoP - Content in Polish.
infoA - Content in English.
button1P - The first button in the Polish language.
button1A - The first button in the English language.
button2P - The second button in the Polish language.
button2A - The second button in the English language.
native LangGameTextForPlayer(playerid, textP[], textA[], time, type)
playerid - The player to whom we send a message.
textP - Message in Polish.
textA - Message in English.
time - Time to show the message.
type - Type of message.

Max_Players - Slots on the server.
LANG_POL - Polish language.
LANG_ENG - English Language.

  1. Put Lang_OnPlayerConnect(playerid) in public OnPlayerConnect(playerid).
  2. Put Lang_OnPlayerClickTextDraw(playerid, clickedid) in public OnPlayerClickTextDraw(playerid, Text:clickedid).
  3. Put Lang_OnGameModeInit() in public OnGameModeInit
  4. Show player textdraw where he select rhe language by function SelectLanguage(playerid).

Inferno Site

good work

Wow looks awesome. Nice work with this. Will surely use it. Secondly how did you manage to make those Flag textdraws? Can you help me with those too?

Awesome job! Kindaa modern x:P

I used the letters properly stretched and boxes.
It gives you a file from TextDraw rditor by Zamorth so you can edit textdraw with flags


Sorry for my bad English because it is only just learning.

Will it work on 3c or d?
Good Work
Edit +Rep And pls add more language like Ruusian ,Spanish , German .

Originally Posted by SA+MP
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Will it work on 3c or d?
It work only on sa:mp 0.3e because I use TextDrawSetSelectable.

Originally Posted by SA+MP
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Edit +Rep And pls add more language like Ruusian ,Spanish , German .
In next update I add next two language, German and Ruusian.

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