The functions of the script:
native SelectLanguage(playerid)Definition:
playerid - The player to whom we send a message.native SetPlayerLang(playerid, langid)
playerid - Player who want to set the language.native GetPlayerLang(playerid)
langid - ID of the language (LANG_POL or LANG_ENG).
playerid - ID of the player you grab the ID language.native SendClientLangMessage(playerid, color, textP[], textA[])
playerid - The player to whom we send a message.native SendClientLangMessageToAll(color, textP[], textA[])
color - Color of the message.
textP - Message in Polish.
textA - Message in English.
color - Color of the message.native SendClientLangMessageToOther(playerid, color, textP[], textA[])
textP - Message in Polish.
textA - Message in English.
playerid - The player, which can not send messages.native ShowPlayerLangDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, captionP[], captionA[], infoP[], infoA[], button1P[], button1A[], button2P[], button2A[])
color - Color of the message.
textP - Message in Polish.
textA - Message in English.playerid - The player to whom we show a dialog.native LangGameTextForPlayer(playerid, textP[], textA[], time, type)
dialogid - ID of the dialog.
styl - style of the dialog.
captionP - Heading in the Polish language.
captionA - Heading in the English language.
infoP - Content in Polish.
infoA - Content in English.
button1P - The first button in the Polish language.
button1A - The first button in the English language.
button2P - The second button in the Polish language.
button2A - The second button in the English language.
playerid - The player to whom we send a message.
textP - Message in Polish.
textA - Message in English.
time - Time to show the message.
type - Type of message.
Max_Players - Slots on the server.Instalation:
LANG_POL - Polish language.
LANG_ENG - English Language.
- Put Lang_OnPlayerConnect(playerid) in public OnPlayerConnect(playerid).
- Put Lang_OnPlayerClickTextDraw(playerid, clickedid) in public OnPlayerClickTextDraw(playerid, Text:clickedid).
- Put Lang_OnGameModeInit() in public OnGameModeInit
- Show player textdraw where he select rhe language by function SelectLanguage(playerid).
Inferno Site
Edit +Rep And pls add more language like Ruusian ,Spanish , German .