[FilterScript] Burnout vehicle start - because burnouts are for the win

Note: I do not own the code that makes the vehicle jump, I copied it from Kar's post whom I think also copied it.


What this does is give you a boost when you do a burnout and start driving again. That's all.

Install it as a filterscript and load it. It works on every vehicle that can do burnouts, including the Caddy and the Combine Harvester.

Pastebin - source
SolidFiles - source + AMX

That's it folks. Report bugs and enjoy it.

WTF a Burnout :O
indeed it is v
u too ^ for great release
i too ^ for first post :
and yeah i too was gonna try the code from that post xD
thanks to Kar too

nice done mate, i just made the same too but a bit else, you mind if i post that one too? it is more nicer with maps and commands included and its just nicer XD, this one is also nice REP+, but i will post mine too ill maybe post here link when i posted it

wow, it's awesome man
Will add it to one stunt server which I sold!

eehm i just tested it... and it doesnt really makes a wheelie.. it comes a bit from the ground... but not much, even when i hold W and S for long time it doenst does much, i will make a topic with mine too

Originally Posted by niels44
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eehm i just tested it... and it doesnt really makes a wheelie.. it comes a bit from the ground... but not much, even when i hold W and S for long time it doenst does much, i will make a topic with mine too
Ah, I think I misunderstood that part. I was thinking about some sort of kickstart where the wheels would temporarily come off the ground. Publish whatever you want, and maybe I can also try to post what you mean .

ah okay anyways the thing i mean is that when i tried it my car didnt got that far from the ground as on your picture, anyways im now putting all the things together in a FS

Originally Posted by niels44
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ah okay anyways the thing i mean is that when i tried it my car didnt got that far from the ground as on your picture, anyways im now putting all the things together in a FS
You can tweak it easily. Search for this (Should be at the bottom)
pawn Code:
Xv = (0.07 * floatsin(Zangle, degrees) * mp);
                Yv = (0.07 * floatcos(Zangle, degrees) * mp);
Change the '0.07' to any value. I recommend not going over 0.15

I didn't really copy it, it wasn't working because i posted a test version

the original creator is [HiC]TheKiller. He gave it to me and I edited it a bit

This is the fixed stock

pawn Code:
    new Float:Xv, Float:Yv, Float:Zv, Float:absV;
    GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, Xv, Yv, Zv);
    absV = floatsqroot((Xv * Xv) + (Yv * Yv) + (Zv * Zv));
    if(absV < 0.04)
        new Float:Zangle;
        GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, Zangle);
        GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, Xv, Yv, Zv);
        Xv = (0.11 * floatsin(Zangle, degrees));
        Yv = (0.11 * floatcos(Zangle, degrees));
        SetVehicleAngularVelocity(vehicleid, Yv, Xv, 0);
    return 1;
I would recommend not going over 0.13.. not 0.15.. 0.14+ is just unlogical

Could someone edit this to make it command based? Like you'd type /wheelie and it would activate this script, typing again would deactivate it?

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