Gathering variables

I want to make a command, but i don't know how to gather information for player

Something like : "/changeplate oldplate newplate"

And i want to be able to define newplate in a temporary var (like : new oldplate[MAX_PLAYERS]; oldplate[playerid] = *from what the user tiped*) and same thing for new plates

CMD:changeplate(playerid, params[])
	return 1;
Can you help me please?
Once you'll i'll be able to create my own commands from this scheme!

Are you asking specifically about changing a vehicle plate? Or just accessing player variables in general? You should specify more, and I'll be more than happy to help.

I'm just asking how to access player variables in general

(with this model i'll be able to reproduce for another case later)

Thanks for your help!!

Before you start to tackle this I would recommend you educate yourself on file saving systems like y_ini.

You can setup an enum that will hold the players data. Keep in mind this is very basic and not a good RP example.

So here is an enumerator. I don't know how to explain these real well, so I suggest you ****** it if you're confused to this point.
pawn Код:
enum Info
new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][Info];
So since you have an enum let's make a command.

Buy apple command.

pawn Код:
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 20) // Checks if the player has at lease 20 dollars.
        return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You don't have enough money to buy an apple!");
    else // If he does have more than 20 dollars then the next code will run.
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid. -20); // Takes away 20 dollars from the player.
        PlayerInfo[playerid][pApples]++; // Adds 1 to the variable pApples
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You have bought an apple.");
        return 1;
Now that the player has an apple, maybe make a command that makes him eat the apple?
pawn Код:
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pApples] == 0) // Checks if the player has zero apples.
        return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You don't have any apples to eat.");
    else // If the player does have more than 0 apples then this will run.
        new Float:health; // Makes a new float that will store the players health.
        GetPlayerHealth(playerid,health); // Assigns the float to the players health.
        if(GetPlayerHealth(playerid,health) == 100) // If a player's health is full, then they can't eat more apples.
            return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are full, and can't eat anymore apples.");
            SetPlayerHealth(playerid,health + 10) // Sets the players health to their current health but adds 10.
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pApples]--; // Subtracts one from the player's apple variable.
            return 1;
    return 1;
I hope I helped you gain a better understanding.

I know how to do this stuff, i'm making my server in sql, how to backup is not a problem

I just don't know how to gather the vars from a cmd like that : /cmd var1 var2

I just want to understand how can i get the value of var 1 and var 2 to exploit them later in my system

Thank you for you reply!

Do you mean like typing a command which shows you the variable that you want?

Not, just to gather what the player wrote

For example if he wants to change his plate he will wrote "/changeplate OLDPLATE NEWPLATE"

But i have to understand how to gather OLDPLATE to select the right car in my database and to gather NEWPLATE to update the corresponding car plate

Do you understand?

Oh damn, this is complicated. You would have to use fread and use a loop to read the vehicle database line by line and search for the string you typed in and use a strreplace stock. This is far more complicated than I can explain. I thought I could explain this. Sorry man. Goodluck.


I know how to do all the stuff

The only thing that i'm not capable of is GETTING WHAT THE PLAYER TIPPED IN HIS COMMAND

(Used very often : ex in Godfather :/makeleader id numberoffaction

And I just want that the player tipe "/change OLDPLATE NEWPLATE"

Example : /change MYFOLDPLATE FALOR

So with what i tipped just above i just want to exploit "Myfoldplate" and "falor"

To make my system

Just tell me how to do this simple usage (but depends of what the player wrote) :

printf("your oldplate was myfoldplate")
printf("you new plate is falor")

But to print this i have to take data from player command !

You understand?

You need to use format.

pawn Код:
new PlateString[MAX_PLAYERS][124]; // This is the license plate string.

    new string[124];
        return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"USAGE: /setplate [platetext]");
        new msgstring[124];
        PlateString[playerid] = string; // Sets the players plate string to what was typed.
        format(msgstring,sizeof(msgstring),"You have set your plate to %s",string); // Formats so you could see what was typed
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,msgstring); // Sends the formatted message.
        return 1;

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