Gathering variables -
falor - 01.03.2012
I want to make a command, but i don't know how to gather information for player
Something like : "/changeplate oldplate newplate"
And i want to be able to define newplate in a temporary var (like : new oldplate[MAX_PLAYERS]; oldplate[playerid] = *from what the user tiped*) and same thing for new plates
CMD:changeplate(playerid, params[])
return 1;
Can you help me please?
Once you'll i'll be able to create my own commands from this scheme!
Re: Gathering variables -
Walsh - 01.03.2012
Are you asking specifically about changing a vehicle plate? Or just accessing player variables in general? You should specify more, and I'll be more than happy to help.
Re : Gathering variables -
falor - 02.03.2012
I'm just asking how to access player variables in general
(with this model i'll be able to reproduce for another case later)
Thanks for your help!!
Re: Gathering variables -
Walsh - 02.03.2012
Before you start to tackle this I would recommend you educate yourself on file saving systems like y_ini.
You can setup an enum that will hold the players data. Keep in mind this is very basic and not a good RP example.
So here is an enumerator. I don't know how to explain these real well, so I suggest you ****** it if you're confused to this point.
pawn Код:
enum Info
new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][Info];
So since you have an enum let's make a command.
Buy apple command.
pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 20) // Checks if the player has at lease 20 dollars.
return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You don't have enough money to buy an apple!");
else // If he does have more than 20 dollars then the next code will run.
GivePlayerMoney(playerid. -20); // Takes away 20 dollars from the player.
PlayerInfo[playerid][pApples]++; // Adds 1 to the variable pApples
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You have bought an apple.");
return 1;
Now that the player has an apple, maybe make a command that makes him eat the apple?
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pApples] == 0) // Checks if the player has zero apples.
return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You don't have any apples to eat.");
else // If the player does have more than 0 apples then this will run.
new Float:health; // Makes a new float that will store the players health.
GetPlayerHealth(playerid,health); // Assigns the float to the players health.
if(GetPlayerHealth(playerid,health) == 100) // If a player's health is full, then they can't eat more apples.
return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are full, and can't eat anymore apples.");
SetPlayerHealth(playerid,health + 10) // Sets the players health to their current health but adds 10.
PlayerInfo[playerid][pApples]--; // Subtracts one from the player's apple variable.
return 1;
return 1;
I hope I helped you gain a better understanding.
Re : Gathering variables -
falor - 02.03.2012
I know how to do this stuff, i'm making my server in sql, how to backup is not a problem
I just don't know how to gather the vars from a cmd like that : /cmd var1 var2
I just want to understand how can i get the value of var 1 and var 2 to exploit them later in my system
Thank you for you reply!
Re: Gathering variables -
Walsh - 02.03.2012
Do you mean like typing a command which shows you the variable that you want?
Re : Gathering variables -
falor - 02.03.2012
Not, just to gather what the player wrote
For example if he wants to change his plate he will wrote "/changeplate OLDPLATE NEWPLATE"
But i have to understand how to gather OLDPLATE to select the right car in my database and to gather NEWPLATE to update the corresponding car plate
Do you understand?
Re: Gathering variables -
Walsh - 02.03.2012
Oh damn, this is complicated. You would have to use fread and use a loop to read the vehicle database line by line and search for the string you typed in and use a strreplace stock. This is far more complicated than I can explain. I thought I could explain this. Sorry man. Goodluck.
Re : Gathering variables -
falor - 02.03.2012
I know how to do all the stuff
The only thing that i'm not capable of is GETTING WHAT THE PLAYER TIPPED IN HIS COMMAND
(Used very often : ex in Godfather :/makeleader id numberoffaction
And I just want that the player tipe "/change OLDPLATE NEWPLATE"
Example : /change MYFOLDPLATE FALOR
So with what i tipped just above i just want to exploit "Myfoldplate" and "falor"
To make my system
Just tell me how to do this simple usage (but depends of what the player wrote) :
printf("your oldplate was myfoldplate")
printf("you new plate is falor")
But to print this i have to take data from player command !
You understand?
Re: Gathering variables -
Walsh - 02.03.2012
You need to use
pawn Код:
new PlateString[MAX_PLAYERS][124]; // This is the license plate string.
new string[124];
return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"USAGE: /setplate [platetext]");
new msgstring[124];
PlateString[playerid] = string; // Sets the players plate string to what was typed.
format(msgstring,sizeof(msgstring),"You have set your plate to %s",string); // Formats so you could see what was typed
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,msgstring); // Sends the formatted message.
return 1;