Frequently Asked Questions [READ THIS BEFORE POSTING]

Originally Posted by SAINT_PARKOUR
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Whats Wrong with this?

My samp-server opens and Closes
and this is wats in my log;

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[19:11:29] Server Plugins
[19:11:29] --------------
[19:11:29] Loaded 0 plugins.

[19:11:29] I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg
[19:11:29] It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least.

And this is my Server Cfg file thing lol;

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password password
maxplayers 20
port 7777
hostname SAINTS_CREW
gamemode0 SAINTS_CREW
filterscripts base gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime gl_mapicon ls_elevator
announce 1
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
plugins streamer sscanf

1. you should do this: gamemode0 SAINTS_CREW 1 (you just write your mod name and then you write 1 to active it)
2. it say that it loaded 0 plugins so the script may need some plugins to run it if you dont have the needed plugins you cant run the script but not all scripts needs plugins do step 1 and if its still dosnt work after you did step 1 so you will need to find the needed plugins to run the script

I am hosting my server from a Dedicated Server i have located in London.. Why does this not show up on the Internet/Hosted list? I have the ports open as I am able to connect from home..

The link to the search button broke. Feel free to delete this post when fixed...

Well, the main factor is upload speed, which needs to be about 25 kb/s per player.

Is this bits or bytes? it is written in bits format but seems really tiny amount of traffic? if it really is that small that's awesome!

just saying typefish doesnt work anymore

I have had a huge inconvenience with the setting up of a home server for me to test a gamemode script for when I buy a server from Volt-Host. I have tried every tutorial, every suggestion, basically everything going to get it to work but nothing does.

That font looks siiick! howd you do it?


Look Guys!

If You Need To Portforward Your Server.

Goto http://*******.comAnd It Will Show You By Video.

Now About Your Server Not Running When You Open It Make Sure Your server.cfg File Is Like This:

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password your rcon password (you use it to login as admin /rcon login password you typed)
maxplayers 20
port 7777 (Leave This Like This)
hostname The Name Of Server Here
gamemode0 your gamemode here
filterscripts your filter scripts here
announce 1
query 1
weburl your website here
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 1
plugins type plugins here

pm me for any question

When I start my server it's starts well,

When I try enter my game however.. It's says.. Can't connect to IP, Retrying.

Originally Posted by shayking100
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1. you should do this: gamemode0 SAINTS_CREW 1 (you just write your mod name and then you write 1 to active it)
2. it say that it loaded 0 plugins so the script may need some plugins to run it if you dont have the needed plugins you cant run the script but not all scripts needs plugins do step 1 and if its still dosnt work after you did step 1 so you will need to find the needed plugins to run the script
Change Rcon Pass LOL

Add +rep Please

I have deleted the annonce.exe , and the server still working at my local , can it have a drawback if the server get hosted

ok i have my server running on my computer i forward ports so friends can see them but they cant see my server at all and my server runs on my computer perfect i made house i made business i made speedtrap and all that it is called power truck server and my ip is my port is 7777 but i cant get it to work for friends i can see it on the internet thing and on my fav if you know how to fix this pllz pm me

Originally Posted by rami.chaar2
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ok i have my server running on my computer i forward ports so friends can see them but they cant see my server at all and my server runs on my computer perfect i made house i made business i made speedtrap and all that it is called power truck server and my ip is my port is 7777 but i cant get it to work for friends i can see it on the internet thing and on my fav if you know how to fix this pllz pm me
Ermm... Did you port-forward? If not so, please refer to this link =

If you want a short explanation, Port forward is a technique which you can host your own server from your house to the world, without buying server slots, or hosting a server from Volt-Host. It is money-saving, but it sometimes takes a long time to port-forward your server. The link which i gave will explain detailed about how to port-forward a server.4



Originally Posted by Robert West
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I have deleted the annonce.exe , and the server still working at my local , can it have a drawback if the server get hosted
Well, announce.exe doesn't do anything. but some malware scanning softwares ( Like Emsisoft ) detect announce.exe as a malware. It is a false detect, and you shouldn't worry about it. Your server won't get drawbacked, even though you have announce.exe, if you want to host it



Originally Posted by Robert West
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I have deleted the annonce.exe , and the server still working at my local , can it have a drawback if the server get hosted
Your server won't be seen in internet tab without announce.exe, its given in the package for a specific reason.

Originally Posted by Vinnie Robardo
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Well, announce.exe doesn't do anything. but some malware scanning softwares ( Like Emsisoft ) detect announce.exe as a malware. It is a false detect, and you shouldn't worry about it. Your server won't get drawbacked, even though you have announce.exe, if you want to host it


Yes it does, don't mis-lead him if you don't have any clue.

Reply deleted

REASON : announce.exe can work, and i am right

Originally Posted by Vinnie Robardo
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Yes, because, in my way, announce.exe means like, Announcing your server to the whole internet

EDIT : Sorry for my reply before, i finally fixed my mistakes

It can work without announce.exe
Read his post again, he asked for a drawback, not for his server to be working or not. He won't get any players since his server won't be seen through internet tab.

Originally Posted by Xtreme_playa
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Read his post again, he asked for a drawback, not for his server to be working or not. He won't get any players since his server won't be seen through internet tab.
i re-edited my post, since i made a mistake not knowing his questions. I apologize for my mistakes, i ensure that it won't happen in the future

sorry wrong section.. edit

Is it legal to earn money from a samp server?

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