27.11.2011, 08:49
Hey Guys,
i have a Problem, i want to make a weaponshop for eache faction, the command is /ausrьsten, it opens a dialog.
they should only be able to open the dialog in a pickup/range of a point an i made this:
Thank you!
i have a Problem, i want to make a weaponshop for eache faction, the command is /ausrьsten, it opens a dialog.
they should only be able to open the dialog in a pickup/range of a point an i made this:
new Float:waffcp[][3] = { {-1671.7324,1338.5049,7.1875}, {-1646.9674,700.4893,-4.9063}, {-1509.8167,267.4948,7.1875}, {-2048.7820,67.2123,28.6456}, {-2224.5933,-104.9689,35.3203}, {-2452.9697,504.2988,30.0811}, {-2593.2053,642.1595,14.4531}, {-2207.3303,676.5793,49.4375} };
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ausrьsten if (strcmp("/ausrьsten", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { new weapsl = (sizeof(waffcp)); if (!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, waffcp[weapsl][0], waffcp[weapsl][1], waffcp[weapsl][2])); { return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Geh in den Lieferpunkt!"); } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,Dialog_Weaps,2,"Was brauchst du?","Deagel (75 Schuss) $279\nAk47 (150 Schuss) $429\nGewehr (75 Schuss) $389\nBaseballschlдger $29\nSMG (200 Schuss) $459\nSPAS-12 (45 Schuss) 65$\nPolizeipacket\nBundeswehrpacket\nFBI-Packet\nBandagen 19$\nKevlarweste 219$","Kaufen","Ende"); return 1; }