Range of Points Problem

Hey Guys,

i have a Problem, i want to make a weaponshop for eache faction, the command is /ausrьsten, it opens a dialog.
they should only be able to open the dialog in a pickup/range of a point an i made this:
new Float:waffcp[][3] =
if (strcmp("/ausrьsten", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
 	new weapsl = (sizeof(waffcp));
	if (!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, waffcp[weapsl][0], waffcp[weapsl][1], waffcp[weapsl][2]));
        return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Geh in den Lieferpunkt!");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,Dialog_Weaps,2,"Was brauchst du?","Deagel (75 Schuss) $279\nAk47 (150 Schuss) $429\nGewehr (75 Schuss) $389\nBaseballschlдger $29\nSMG (200 Schuss) $459\nSPAS-12 (45 Schuss) 65$\nPolizeipacket\nBundeswehrpacket\nFBI-Packet\nBandagen 19$\nKevlarweste 219$","Kaufen","Ende");

		return 1;
Thank you!

You have no respone yoy need something like this
you just need to change the respone to what you want it to do
if(dialogid == TELE)
		if(response == 1)
				case 0:
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,TUNES,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Tuning Shops!","Transfender Los Santos \nTransfender Las Venturas \nWheel Arch Angels \nLoco Low Riders","Enter","Close");
				case 1:
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,LASA,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Places Around San Andreas!","Los Santos \nLos Santos Airport \nSan Ferrio \nSan Ferrio Airport \nLas Venturas \nLas Venturas Airport","Enter","Close");
				case 2:
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BJS,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Big Jumps!","RichMans Jump \nSky Scrapper \nThe Strip \nUp, Up, Up, Shit Down!!!! \nCrane Jump \nMini Jump \nMarine Base Jump \nDesert Jump \nRiver Jump \nUp Up and Away","Enter","Close");
				case 3:
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BASE,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Base Jumps!","Base Jump One \nBase Jump Two \nBase Jump Three \nBase Jump Four \nBase Jump Five \nBase Jump Six \nBase Jump Seven \nBase Jump Eight \nBase Jump Nine","Enter","Close");
				case 4:
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,PARK,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"StuntParks!","Los Santos Airport \nSan Ferrio Airport \nLos Venturas Airport \nOld Airfield \nDisney StuntPark","Enter","Close");
				case 5:
					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DM,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"StuntParks!","Madness DeathMatch","Enter","Close");


pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/ausrьsten", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
    for(new i=0; i<sizeof(waffcp); i++)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, waffcp[i][0], waffcp[i][1], waffcp[i][2]));
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,Dialog_Weaps,2,"Was brauchst du?","Deagel (75 Schuss) $279\nAk47 (150 Schuss) $429\nGewehr (75 Schuss) $389\nBaseballschlдger $29\nSMG (200 Schuss) $459\nSPAS-12 (45 Schuss) 65$\nPolizeipacket\nBundeswehrpacket\nFBI-Packet\nBandagen 19$\nKevlarweste 219$","Kaufen","Ende");
            return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Geh in den Lieferpunkt!");1
    return 1;

now i get a warning : Empty statement, for
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, waffcp[i][0], waffcp[i][1], waffcp[i][2]));
@manchestera i know but thats not the bugged part, i wont post my complete script here.


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