21.10.2011, 16:40
Hey guys, Well I am scripting for the new 0.3d and I was wondering, I gave MoveObject a go to see if I could actualy stand on top of the boat without 'sliding' off and it worked which is cool 
One thing, I used a boat and what I did was created it so once your on the boat you type /sailboat and the boat begins to move to the coordinates its told too. But once its moved to the first set, how do I make it rotate and move to the next? If I just do
MoveObject(bla bla)
MoveObject(bla bla)
It just jumps straight to the second line of code, How do I make it go into steps so that once its completed the first movement, go onto the second and so on? I think Timers would work but is there any other way?

One thing, I used a boat and what I did was created it so once your on the boat you type /sailboat and the boat begins to move to the coordinates its told too. But once its moved to the first set, how do I make it rotate and move to the next? If I just do
MoveObject(bla bla)
MoveObject(bla bla)
It just jumps straight to the second line of code, How do I make it go into steps so that once its completed the first movement, go onto the second and so on? I think Timers would work but is there any other way?