18.10.2011, 20:22
Last edited by Zh3r0; 20/10/2011 at 06:58 PM.
Sprites editor for 0.3d RC5-3
InformationSprites editor for 0.3d RC5-3
- Since I saw that we can actually add some very cool sprites, I was like omfgbbq let's do an eddiittoraaaah! But went X_X when I realized Zamaroht's textdraw editor could be easily edited to work in sprites aswell..
But meh, I gave my best, my time, and it was my pelasure making this. So don't start bitching about "oh just use zamaroht's", appreciate this.

Bug-fixed the deletion feature, now it works as should
(Type /spre to start editing)
Zamaroht - Ideas from his TextdrawEditor
If you have a hard time doing anything please post and ask for information.