Same Checkpoint twice? (Icognito Streamer)

Hi, I got a little question, Can I use one checkpoint icon for 2 places?
if yes, how can I simply do that when a player enters a checkpoint the checkpoint's place changes and then when he enters the second checkpoint the checkpoints dissapears?

I made a tutorial about how to use checkpoints, also includes that what you just said.

ah, awesome!
thanks alot, you should make on for MapIcons too, I got problem with that either, lol
+ rep

but you show SetPlayerCheckpoint for one checkpoint at a time...
I need it with icognito

So, is it impossible to use Icognito streamer, and create one checkpoint that changes positio?

nope lol

create the checkpoint onplayenterdynamicCP destroy the CP and create a new one lol

Just do the same as i did in the tutorial, and then just use CreateDyanmicCheckpoint. Also dont forget to destroy the checkpoint before creating a new one

or if u wanna make a CP that changes on its own use a timer and on the timers function destroy the CP and make another

Ok, thanks but what's TogglePlayerDynamicCheckPoint for?
and can't I just do this:
// first time it shud show up
checkpointexample = CreateDynamicCP(...
// the placze where it must chagne
checkpointexample = CreateDynamicCP(other chords as the first

That will only work if youre using SetPlayerCheckpoint.
You have to destroy the checkpoint, before you can asign the same variable to another checkpoint. Otherwise the first checkpoint you asigned the variable to wont work anymore.

well, can you please explain under the OnPlayerEnterDyanmicCP callback
I know it sounds very noobish, but I just hate it that there are no glood explainations with the Streamer include topic...

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