28.07.2011, 21:33
Последний раз редактировалось iPLEOMAX; 13.09.2011 в 12:02.
Hello guys, I was searching for a filterscript that let's us add objects to vehicles with ease.
But I failed to find one. So, I took some time and made a filterscript for doing this.
(Maybe I failed to search? ^^)
The system is like HoldStudio by Slice, but my script isn't as advanced as his. I will do things in next versions.
Note: This FS is made from scratch.

Coming soon (as soon as movie maker starts working -_-)...
/vohelp - shows the help messages.
/vattach [Object ID] - attach an object to your vehicle.
Some objects list:
3c Objects
All Objects - Category
/px - Change the X offset of the object.
/py - Chnage the Y offset of the object.
/pz - Change the Z offset of the object.
/rx - Change the X rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/ry - Change the Y rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/rz - Change the Z rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/VEnd - end your edition to allow you drive for sometime.
/vsave [comment] - Use this to give out a code for your object.
Right Arrow - Increase Value.
Left Arrow - Decrease Value.
JUMP Key - Faster movement.
WALK Key - Slower movement.
ZCMD -by Zeex.
sscanf2 - by ******.
- zeex and ****** for zcmd & sscanf
- else: me.
Report any bugz j00 c!! cuz iz in betA stazE!
When you /vsave your edition, it will create a pawn code like this to your 'scriptfiles' directory:

Hope you like it!
But I failed to find one. So, I took some time and made a filterscript for doing this.
(Maybe I failed to search? ^^)
The system is like HoldStudio by Slice, but my script isn't as advanced as his. I will do things in next versions.
Note: This FS is made from scratch.

Coming soon (as soon as movie maker starts working -_-)...
/vohelp - shows the help messages.
/vattach [Object ID] - attach an object to your vehicle.
Some objects list:
3c Objects
All Objects - Category
/px - Change the X offset of the object.
/py - Chnage the Y offset of the object.
/pz - Change the Z offset of the object.
/rx - Change the X rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/ry - Change the Y rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/rz - Change the Z rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/VEnd - end your edition to allow you drive for sometime.

/vsave [comment] - Use this to give out a code for your object.
Right Arrow - Increase Value.
Left Arrow - Decrease Value.
JUMP Key - Faster movement.
WALK Key - Slower movement.
ZCMD -by Zeex.
sscanf2 - by ******.
- zeex and ****** for zcmd & sscanf
- else: me.
Report any bugz j00 c!! cuz iz in betA stazE!
When you /vsave your edition, it will create a pawn code like this to your 'scriptfiles' directory:

Hope you like it!