Reasons NOT to use "SA-MP Live"

If you don't like it then don't fucking use it

Originally Posted by Saurik
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If you don't like it then don't fucking use it
You are a genius.

Originally Posted by Saurik
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If you don't like it then don't fucking use it
All hail Saurik. Wise comment. + Reputation.
It's true.

Originally Posted by Saurik
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If you don't like it then don't fucking use it
+1 rep

Well Blacklite so instead of doing some research on
you just gave administrator rights to the program... very stupid.

- Install into ApplicationData folder (ALL windows versions from Windows NT and above have one) - no admin rights needed
- Inform the players that they must not run gta sa as administrator or sa-mp as admin because it's not gonna change anything. SA-MP uses since short the My Documents directory whilst GTA SA did always. So no need for administrator rights
- Make a launcher in the AppData dir which launches sa-mp server browser, and in the background it waits to let the process of gta_sa.exe appear, if it appears inject your DLL.
- Sounds like it's too much work for you, because you don't need to be smart to come up with the above points.

Make the installer give you friendly user options like install it only for me or install for everyone (while this yes, requires administrator rights), then add an option to select if the user wishes to download automatic updates without users knowledge, or notify the player before doing anything (downloading, installing).

So if all those possibilitys are there you chose the worst options, so it's suspicious.

Paranoid (

I just don't understand the point of this thread. I think people here,hopefully, are wise enough to decide what's good for them. I'm pretty sure everyone should know what Beta means right ? It means you should expect shit,crashes and so on. But I think it's not even that bad since it never crashed for me. The only time I experienced real bugs is when it wasn't even released.

Next thread coming up..... Reasons NOT to listen to "Gamer_Z"

Originally Posted by Saurik
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Next thread coming up..... Reasons NOT to listen to "Gamer_Z"
I'd rather call it "If you don't give a fuck, don't post a fuck."

Gamer_Z just discovered what are the possible risks in this software. Nobody did that until now.
You don't have to agree with the argues, but why are you degrading? This thread is just a warning for people who don't know a lot about this.

Originally Posted by Saurik
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I just don't understand the point of this thread. I think people here,hopefully, are wise enough to decide what's good for them.
You probably don't know that a large user-base of SA-MP is 12-14 y/o script kiddies, without a big computer knowledge.
I just don't understand the point of your comments. You should discuss if SA-MP Live is suspicious or not, but not Gamer_Z for raising this topic.

Originally Posted by KoczkaHUN
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Gamer_Z just discovered what are the possible risks in this software. Nobody did that until now.
You don't have to agree with the argues, but why are you degrading? This thread is just a warning for people who don't know a lot about this.

You probably don't know that a large user-base of SA-MP is 12-14 y/o script kiddies, without a big computer knowledge.
I just don't understand the point of your comments. You should discuss if SA-MP Live is suspicious or not, but not Gamer_Z for raising this topic.
Thank you,
got a bad day (GF related) today but you ++-ed-me my mood ; *
Thank you.

I personally find it nice and useful, I don't know about you guys..

Originally Posted by G4M3Ov3r
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I personally find it nice and useful, I don't know about you guys..
Same here, never had a problem with it, it's an awesome add-on imo..

Did you like.. take meth before you wrote this?

Also, ****** Chrome is open source.

Originally Posted by Slice
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Did you like.. take meth before you wrote this?.
I don't use drugs, even when it's allowed by the law ;]

Now I see why some of my friends had their game crashed or texture problems.They said they installed SA-MP live.
At first,I was so interested to install this.When I heard my friends had their game play in trouble,I cancelled my download progress.
I think SA-MP Live has some bugs or virus or whatever,if it does,I prefer XFire Web Browser.More good and not really bugged.I 50% trust this thing is useful and 50% useless.But when it comes to the virus part - no way.

Originally Posted by Slice
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Also, ****** Chrome is open source.
****** Chrome is not open source. What open source is, is called Chromium.
Chromium is backported from ****** Chrome, but ****** Chrome is closed source.

Originally Posted by KoczkaHUN
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****** Chrome is not open source. What open source is, is called Chromium.
Chromium is backported from ****** Chrome, but ****** Chrome is closed source.
Oh, ok. You learn something new every day!

Really, 99% of people "probably" don't care.

There is risk involved in everything we do, it's risky to leave your front door, a million and one things could go wrong in that instant if not more, you do it anyway though don't you.

I don't know what the big deal about open source is, who really cares, some people just don't want their application as whole exposed to an idiot who can't code but knows how to change a few strings and compile an application. I don't generally open source my applications, people trust them, and I help most people who ask for help with specific parts of w/e language I can help with, and they can write it them damn selves.

Originally Posted by Slice
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Did you like.. take meth before you wrote this?

Also, ****** Chrome is open source.
This. Gamer_Z is a bigtime tin-foiler of an idiot. If you want to see even more of a comedy, go look at his plugin releases and postings. The people I know who have worked with him all felt more stupid after having known him.

SA-MP's servers have been hacked numerous times. We (at least I) still trust Kye and the SA-MP code as he codes professionally for a living and is very likely skilled in risk mitigation tactics when code bases are compromised.

Originally Posted by nemesis-
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This. Gamer_Z is a bigtime tin-foiler of an idiot. If you want to see even more of a comedy, go look at his plugin releases and postings. The people I know who have worked with him all felt more stupid after having known him.

SA-MP's servers have been hacked numerous times. We (at least I) still trust Kye and the SA-MP code as he codes professionally for a living and is very likely skilled in risk mitigation tactics when code bases are compromised.
And you sir are who, to have the right insult on not just me, but also people that Co-work and help me?

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