[GameMode] Intelexe's RolePlay[Still Under Developing]

Originally Posted by boogeyman
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Skizzo thanks for your reply...
There will be another release or 1.4 is the latest one?

And about the error that says You cannot enter in your vehicle because you are not a faction members,
What if you will create a faction named CIVILIANS and when a pleyer register it will autojoin that faction ?! It will work with personal cars?
There will be no more updates,sorry.
About the civillians,it is not a very good ideea because the ids of the vehicles are not coinciding with the ids written in players stats.
To fix this,you can do the next thing:

Originally Posted by Me
I know the vehicle ID bug.Im still trying to fix it .
There is something you can do untill i release the next version.
The system actually gets any already sold vehicle and sets its parameters for the newest owner.You can just enter your Account file in Scriptfiles-->INTELRP-->Accounts and change your "Sellings" parameter to 99.
You will now have to go to the dealership wich is located near the Bank and buy some vehicles(as much as you want) and then sell them so noone will be bugged anymore.
Let me explain you why is this bug happening:

If you buy a vehicle wich was already sold,the bug will not appear.If you buy a vehicle and there is no already sold vehicles ,the script will create a new one for you wich will counterfy with the other ID's.
I will fix this ASAP for the next version,thank you.
This always works but ill try to find out how to fix the bug so you will not have to do this anymore.
I am really sorry for this bug but it is hard to fix it.
And thank you for your compliments xD.

Works this Gamemod on Linux Debian squeeze ?

Originally Posted by Nagazi
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Works this Gamemod on Linux Debian squeeze ?
Hmm,works on linux,but whatx debian squeeze?)

Originally Posted by Lilcuete
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Yo you should make your drug system unique also you should add a unique warrant system,the warrant system you can just added it to /mdc.Like this
/drug [param]
This command lists all the available commands for the drug system.
/drug use
/drug use [slot]
This command is pretty self explanatory. You use this command to consume a drug. You need /drug inject however if it is a liquid drug.
/drug mix
/drug mix [slot] [slot]
This command is extremely basic at the moment. You can't mix pills, nor drugs already mixed together. These drugs are highly dangerous to take and can at times create interesting effects if consumed correctly or created just right.
/drug drop
/drug drop [slot]
Just like /drug use this command is completely self explanatory. You use this to drop your drug from your inventory.
/drug give
/drug give playerid [slot] [emote]
Use this command to give a playerid/name next to you a drug from your inventory. Emote is there in case you want to decide how the /me will look when giving it out. Emote is optional.
/drug inject
/drug inject [slot] || /drug inject [slot] playerid
Use this command to inject a drug into your player or another player. In order to inject a drug into a players body, you must have a needle which can be bought from a drug dealer/supplier.
/drug avail
/drug avail
This command gives a list of all available drugs to create. In order to create these drugs, a drug dealer is needed.
/drug inven
/drug inven
This command gives a list of what ingredients and supplies you have to create a drug. A few drugs will be listed followed by how many of those types a player has, for example: Backing Soda [0]
/drug supply
/drug [param] amount playerid
This command is used to supply other players with ingredients and supplies a player has in his/her inventory.
/drug inspect
/drug inspect playerid
This command is used to check if another player has drugs on them. This specific command is mainly used by government factions such as the PD, SD, and LSP.
/drug take
/drug take playerid || /drug take playerid [slot]
This command is used to take drugs off an inventory of another player. This specific command is also used by government factions.

and then /mydrugs that will come in a GUI,showing the drug name and ammount like [ 1 %s(%d) ] ex: [ 1 Cocaine(3g) ].
Skizzo this is the drug system.

Skizzo read your PM's i think i sent you one.

nice one

nice gm iґll test and translate it ^^

Nice translate to what ?

Originally Posted by Tigerkiller
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nice gm iґll test and translate it ^^
That'[s alright and thank you all.

skizzo don't awnser msg?

Question: When I download it, the file aint in .RAR? It says unknown or Damaged? :S

What should I do?

Skizzo Man go ahead with scripting you are an good man

Really nice gamemode, good job SkizzoTrick.

Thanks really nice and /accept death bugged or just you didnt add yet the hospital but really nice

Originally Posted by Collin
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Thank you .

There were 7 days so i guess i can bump it,sorry if it is a mistake.

Just my opinion : THIS SCRIPT SUCKS .


Originally Posted by bijoyekuza
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Just my opinion : THIS SCRIPT SUCKS .
Originally Posted by Kudrow
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That's just ok.Im glad im getting comments from people who never released anything...

I would like to rate these script: 9/10!

It's a good script SkizzoTrick, haters go hate.

They don't know.

Good Good Good!

Ps. Want to give me rep?

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