[FilterScript] :: iVO - Vehicle Object Creator/Attach Tool ::

Hello guys, I was searching for a filterscript that let's us add objects to vehicles with ease.
But I failed to find one. So, I took some time and made a filterscript for doing this.
(Maybe I failed to search? ^^)

The system is like HoldStudio by Slice, but my script isn't as advanced as his. I will do things in next versions.

Note: This FS is made from scratch.


Coming soon (as soon as movie maker starts working -_-)...

/vohelp - shows the help messages.

/vattach [Object ID] - attach an object to your vehicle.
Some objects list:
3c Objects
All Objects - Category

/px - Change the X offset of the object.
/py - Chnage the Y offset of the object.
/pz - Change the Z offset of the object.
/rx - Change the X rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/ry - Change the Y rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/rz - Change the Z rotation of the object (Max Value: 360)
/VEnd - end your edition to allow you drive for sometime.
/vsave [comment] - Use this to give out a code for your object.

Right Arrow - Increase Value.
Left Arrow - Decrease Value.
JUMP Key - Faster movement.
WALK Key - Slower movement.


ZCMD -by Zeex.
sscanf2 - by ******.

- zeex and ****** for zcmd & sscanf
- else: me.

Report any bugz j00 c!! cuz iz in betA stazE!

When you /vsave your edition, it will create a pawn code like this to your 'scriptfiles' directory:

Hope you like it!

I've been looking for a long time to find something like this and finally I've found it D.
Nice release i will use it for my RP server.

ya good job gonna try it

Nice. I gonna test it.


Good job man +reputation!

Very good job! Reputation ++;

Btw, how did you put those lights on the car in the first presenting image?

same thing
u only changed the cmds!

Originally Posted by ScRaT
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same thing
u only changed the cmds!
This was all made from scratch. Look at the scripting style & functions used...
I never knew that "Insanity Vehicle Attachment Editor" existed.

You should not say such things unless you know the real thing.

Thanks Everyone!

Originally Posted by CONTROLA
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Btw, how did you put those lights on the car in the first presenting image?
Those are neons and police light from 3c obejcts: SA-MP - Objects_3c

same funcs to slow down and accelerate, same commands, any new command...u only changed the script style

Originally Posted by ScRaT
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same funcs to slow down and accelerate, same commands, any new command...u only changed the script style
There cannot be million unique ways to code same type of script.
I'm saying this again. "This is not an EDIT of any other script".

Besides, why would i change few things of another script to claim it mine?
Look at some of my other scripts. I like originality, and if i use something that was made by someone else, i give him the credit.

And last thing: I don't care if you don't believe. If you continue to argue, I'll not reply to you anymore.

Originally Posted by iPLEOMAX
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HoldStudio by Slice, but my script isn't as advanced as his. I will do things in next versions.
I thought Slice was a woman.. xD

@ Scrat

I don't think it's a copy, because that version uses STRTOK and this uses ZCMD, that script got bunch of
pawn Код:
and this one doesn't have.


Very useful, thanks, iPLEOMAX!
pawn Код:
reputation[ GetPlayerIDFromName( "iPLEOMAX" ) ] ++;

@ Basicz: Hehe, I though too.. I wasn't sure so i put "his".
And Thanks man!

i used it, very good one / nice job but WHEN I use the rotation cmd the TD bugs

Good job, iPleomax.

Amazing, will use for sure.

Niceone IPLEOMAX, you should have a large array in it to check if the object is a correct object id, rep++ :P

Thanks guys.

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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Niceone IPLEOMAX, you should have a large array in it to check if the object is a correct object id, rep++ :P
Thanks & Yeah, I'm working on the V2 of this now. Will be better & easier with valid object ids.
(It's gonna be a big freaking work o_o)

Really cool. But I have a question, is there any way you can limit this FS to ONLY attaching one object (siren). I have a script /siren, but on each car, it's different... Please, help...

ya good job gonna try it now

thanks )

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