25.06.2011, 17:51
ok this is really annoying me
I have made a timer that will check if a player is in a area and if he is , kill him..... but it isn't working!!
It's so annoying. oh yeah and I used a tutorial
I tried , i tested. now i just don't know. so i decided to post here.
Please help , thanks!
I have made a timer that will check if a player is in a area and if he is , kill him..... but it isn't working!!
It's so annoying. oh yeah and I used a tutorial
I tried , i tested. now i just don't know. so i decided to post here.
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
forward Checks();
public Checks()
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
if(IsPlayerInArea(i,-2931.596, -2981.811, 219.2902, -123.9217))
return 1;