11.03.2011, 07:42
Последний раз редактировалось RyDeR`; 11.03.2011 в 11:20.
"Unlimited". You can set the max length of the color in the "maxPlayers" param.
EDIT: I'm working on a new one.
EDIT: Done https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?pid=1112874#pid1112874
NOTE: If you don't like that I'm posting my function in your topic, please tell me, I'll delete it. I'm just trying to help.
EDIT: I'm working on a new one.
EDIT: Done https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?pid=1112874#pid1112874
NOTE: If you don't like that I'm posting my function in your topic, please tell me, I'll delete it. I'm just trying to help.