Rainbow Tab -
OKStyle - 10.03.2011
It's very simple script which puts players connecting color in a way that turns the rainbow. The new version of the script remove spaces between colors, ie each player's color output permuted again.
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
// Rainbow Tab by REALman, OKStyle
new RainbowError;
new RainbowGradient[25] = {
0xFF0000FF, 0xFF2C00FF, 0xFF5000FF, 0xFF8700FF, 0xFFA700FF,
0xFFDC00FF, 0xFFFB00FF, 0xC4FF00FF, 0x7BFF00FF, 0x00FF00FF,
0x00FF1EFF, 0x00FF3BFF, 0x00FF7CFF, 0x00FFAEFF, 0x00FFD5FF,
0x00FFFFFF, 0x00CCFFFF, 0x00ACFFFF, 0x0083FFFF, 0x0054FFFF,
0x0000FFFF, 0x2C00FFFF, 0x5F00FFFF, 0x9B00FFFF, 0xCB00FFFF
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
for(new i = GetMaxPlayers() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if(i == sizeof(RainbowGradient)) RainbowError = 0;
SetPlayerColor(i, RainbowGradient[i + RainbowError]);
else RainbowError -= 1;
return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid)
for(new i = GetMaxPlayers() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if(i == sizeof(RainbowGradient)) RainbowError = 0;
SetPlayerColor(i, RainbowGradient[i - RainbowError]);
else RainbowError += 1;
return 1;
Re: Rainbow Tab -
iMonk3y - 10.03.2011
Wow.. I love it! Could ya add pastebin, because solidfiles halts my laptop and I not like that.
Re: Rainbow Tab -
OKStyle - 10.03.2011
I think i can add code right here. Added source from 1.2 in 1st post.
AW: Rainbow Tab -
[DR]Reaper[GEARS] - 10.03.2011
nice Idea and shortest way
I verry like it
Re: Rainbow Tab -
Zaky - 10.03.2011
Loool it's awesome
Re: Rainbow Tab -
Ironboy - 10.03.2011
Awesome dude
Re: Rainbow Tab -
Zh3r0 - 10.03.2011
Can't these colors be made simpler , with a loop?
AW: Rainbow Tab -
[DR]Reaper[GEARS] - 10.03.2011
these are hex colors
and if you increase the hex colors by a loop there
wont be a Rainbow
or do you want a count like
Rainbow[playerid] += 7D ?xD
Re: Rainbow Tab -
Zaky - 10.03.2011
Oh I just realised, you should actually put it in the order a rainbow goes
, Then it'll have the flow of it
Re: Rainbow Tab -
TheArcher - 10.03.2011
Awesome, keep it up.
Re: Rainbow Tab -
Professional_Programmer - 10.03.2011
oh nice
Re: Rainbow Tab -
vyper - 10.03.2011
Re: Rainbow Tab -
croco15 - 10.03.2011
What i need to write to filterscripts line ?
Can anybody help me ?
Sorry for my english....
Re: Rainbow Tab -
Michael@Belgium - 10.03.2011
Lol it's nice !
BUT you can't see the colors of the players then ...
Re: Rainbow Tab -
RyDeR` - 10.03.2011
I've created this
I tested with SendClientMessage and it worked quite good. If anyone has some time to test and give some feedback, go ahead. I'll post it in Useful Snippets anyway.
It's working with as much players as you want.
Re: Rainbow Tab -
airsoft - 10.03.2011
Now thats nice
Re: Rainbow Tab -
OKStyle - 11.03.2011
Originally Posted by RyDeR`
I've created this
This is a better way, I thought the introduction of features get the color last night, but so far focused on the array with them. You got me beat.
Re: Rainbow Tab -
Roomeo - 11.03.2011
Amazing Dude, Really COOL
Re: Rainbow Tab -
SamyRomafia - 11.03.2011
Only 25?
Re: Rainbow Tab -
OKStyle - 11.03.2011
In my script - looping every 25, in Ryder's - don't know.