
What would you give to your VIP / Donators if you dont want to give them money or assests?

There is many things you can give to donators, such as access to special vehicles, extra properties, special jobs (rp), and more... Also a good idea is to give them a 3DTextLabel above thier head saying something like ' I Donated! '

Extra properties ? what do you mean by that>?

Originally Posted by farmer1710
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Extra properties ? what do you mean by that>?
If your server uses somekind of properties system, like sandras, or a roleplay property system, this is a idea:

- normal players can only own 5 properties
- donators can own up to 15 properties

-access to some more commands (attach objects, switch off textdraws, avoid commercials spam, create own interior furniture, bigger stats (show more) dialog, votekick)
-set some discounts in shops
-spawn at calm positions with decent cars close
-inform about events like ("ammunation will get sold for $50m in 1 minute, be there if you wanna buy it!")
-prefer them when testing something new? (like SetPVarInt(playerid,"YesChoseMeForTesting",1); ) so you always could send a message to VIPs only

..In my eyes, it's not a donation if you're receiving game changing things in return: that's an online store for your server.

For donations, just prestige things. Such as, but not limited to, reserved skins, clothing accessories, vehicle modifications, etc, etc.

Use your imagination.

well yes assets of course. :P

For Deathmatch servers:

More money from a kill.
More score from a kill.
Free armour on every spawn.
Extra guns.
Donator 3DText as cj101 said.
Spawn vehicles.
Tune vehicles

For Roleplay:

Maybe extra cash.
Their own org/faction.
A house of their choice.
A business of their choice.
Spawn vehicles.
Tune vehicles.

@Tee Roleplay: Thats kinda unfair to other players and very very non rp

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