Donators/VIP? -
farmer1710 - 05.06.2011
What would you give to your VIP / Donators if you dont want to give them money or assests?
Re: Donators/VIP? -
CJ101 - 05.06.2011
There is many things you can give to donators, such as access to special vehicles, extra properties, special jobs (rp), and more... Also a good idea is to give them a 3DTextLabel above thier head saying something like ' I Donated! '
Re: Donators/VIP? -
farmer1710 - 05.06.2011
Extra properties ? what do you mean by that>?
Re: Donators/VIP? -
CJ101 - 05.06.2011
Originally Posted by farmer1710
Extra properties ? what do you mean by that>?
If your server uses somekind of properties system, like sandras, or a roleplay property system, this is a idea:
- normal players can only own 5 properties
- donators can own up to 15 properties
Re: Donators/VIP? -
Babul - 05.06.2011
-access to some more commands (attach objects, switch off textdraws, avoid commercials spam, create own interior furniture, bigger stats (show more) dialog, votekick)
-set some discounts in shops
-spawn at calm positions with decent cars close
-inform about events like ("ammunation will get sold for $50m in 1 minute, be there if you wanna buy it!")
-prefer them when testing something new? (like SetPVarInt(playerid,"YesChoseMeForTesting",1); ) so you always could send a message to VIPs only
Re: Donators/VIP? -
iFriSki - 05.06.2011
..In my eyes, it's not a donation if you're receiving game changing things in return: that's an online store for your server.
For donations, just prestige things. Such as, but not limited to, reserved skins, clothing accessories, vehicle modifications, etc, etc.
Re: Donators/VIP? -
Famalamalam - 06.06.2011
Use your imagination.
Re: Donators/VIP? -
DirtyLilFreak - 06.06.2011
well yes assets of course. :P
Re: Donators/VIP? -
Tee - 06.06.2011
For Deathmatch servers:
More money from a kill.
More score from a kill.
Free armour on every spawn.
Extra guns.
Donator 3DText as cj101 said.
Spawn vehicles.
Tune vehicles
For Roleplay:
Maybe extra cash.
Their own org/faction.
A house of their choice.
A business of their choice.
Spawn vehicles.
Tune vehicles.
Re: Donators/VIP? -
Scones - 06.06.2011
@Tee Roleplay: Thats kinda unfair to other players and very very non rp
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