I need help

is there any command that check if stats are opened?

If you can write more information about "Opened Stats"

I made textdraw stats , and now I made command that hide this textdraw when i click enter but now every time I check enter it shows me a string that says that im closing stats. now I need to make that sys check if stats are open and if they are to hide them if not than do nothing

When you hidding those stats, create a variable and set it to 1 then if you want to close.
You check if this variable is 1, if so then you need to hide it and set the variable to 0.

Just you need create a variable

pawn Код:
new bool:CheckStats[MAX_PLAYERS];
Then opening stats.

pawn Код:

pawn Код:
if(CheckStats[playerid]) // true
     // Close Stats
Edit: Lol I'm slow

but where to put this, on /stats, or on pressed enter?

Just on stats cmd set variable value "true"

And then pressing enter check if value "true" he can close box or textdraw if false no.

I made it, but it still showing text :S

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