I need help - Printable Version
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I need help -
Gangasta300 - 19.05.2011
is there any command that check if stats are opened?
Re: I need help -
Raimis_R - 19.05.2011
If you can write more information about "Opened Stats"
Re: I need help -
Gangasta300 - 19.05.2011
I made textdraw stats , and now I made command that hide this textdraw when i click enter but now every time I check enter it shows me a string that says that im closing stats. now I need to make that sys check if stats are open and if they are to hide them if not than do nothing
Re: I need help -
Toreno - 19.05.2011
When you hidding those stats, create a variable and set it to 1 then if you want to close.
You check if this variable is 1, if so then you need to hide it and set the variable to 0.
Re: I need help -
Raimis_R - 19.05.2011
Just you need create a variable
pawn Код:
new bool:CheckStats[MAX_PLAYERS];
Then opening stats.
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
if(CheckStats[playerid]) // true
// Close Stats
Edit: Lol I'm slow
Re: I need help -
Gangasta300 - 19.05.2011
but where to put this, on /stats, or on pressed enter?
Re: I need help -
Raimis_R - 19.05.2011
Just on stats cmd set variable value "true"
And then pressing enter check if value "true" he can close box or textdraw if false no.
Re: I need help -
Gangasta300 - 19.05.2011
I made it, but it still showing text :S