04.05.2011, 14:25
Последний раз редактировалось davve95; 05.05.2011 в 17:26.
Hi i'm searching for a tdm script i'm going to use to my own map... But here is some questions :
1. How does I make class selction skins??
2. How to do (Take ower place) There I want??
3. How to make team colour there I want in right team??
Edit : I can't script..
Edit 2 : If you want to help me with my server (Script) https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=252492
Sorry but I don't give any money for helping me :/
1. How does I make class selction skins??
2. How to do (Take ower place) There I want??
3. How to make team colour there I want in right team??

Edit : I can't script..
Edit 2 : If you want to help me with my server (Script) https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=252492
Sorry but I don't give any money for helping me :/