[Tutorial] How to make Random weather.

Hello SA-MP members. I had this in my GM for a long time, so i thought i should not be the only one to know how to do it.
So i decided to share it with you all. I think it would be great for RP servers like mine.

Here goes, we need to make a new variable.

pawn Код:
new Weather;
Then we need to make a function and forward it.

pawn Код:
forward RandomWeather();
public RandomWeather()

That by itself will do nothing so here is where the advance part comes in.
We need a Timer to set when to change the weather. Put the timer under, "OnGamModeInit();"

pawn Код:
SetTimer("RandomWeather",60000,true);//This sets the timer that will be repeated for 1 minute (1000 ms = 1 second) hence 1000 x 60 = 60000 (1 minute)
Now we will soon be finished but we need to add the rest of what the function will do.

pawn Код:
public RandomWeather()
    Weather = random(20);//The variable that we created will hold the random weather.
    SetWeather(Weather);//This will set the weather to a random number which is held in the variable "Weather"
I suggest you look here: Click Me, for the ids of the weather so you can know what you want.

We are finished. Thanks for reading and Learning.

Hey thanks!
Really helpful and useful.
Just one minor question: Where do I put the 'public GlobalWeather()' ?

Did you even try to compile your script?

pawn Код:
forward RandomWeather();
public GlobalWeather()
You forward a public named "RandomWeather" but the public itself is named "GlobalWeather".

Also, there is no need for a global variable.

pawn Код:
public GlobalWeather()
    return SetWeather(random(20)); //This will set the weather to a random number which is held in the variable "Weather"


forward RandomWeather();
public GlobalWeather()


Why the fuck are you messing up the headers?

EDIT: Too late

So if I am right, I only need to use

public GlobalWeather()
return SetWeather(random(20)); //This will set the weather to a random number which is held in the variable "Weather"

and i'm done?

pawn Код:
SetTimer("RandomWeather",60000,true); // In OnGameModeInit
forward RandomWeather(); // Outside any other callback
public RandomWeather() // Outside any other callback
   return SetWeather(random(20));

That is brilliant man. Thank you!

Garison sorry it is fixed. And Thanks to you all.

This is even easier.

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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pawn Код:
SetTimer("RandomWeather",60000,true); // In OnGameModeInit
forward RandomWeather(); // Outside any other callback
public RandomWeather() // Outside any other callback
   return SetWeather(random(20));

How can I make the weather be set between a number of values given by me? for example I want only 3 weather ID's. 20 15 and 7.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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How can I make the weather be set between a number of values given by me? for example I want only 3 weather ID's. 20 15 and 7.
im not sure who made this simple stock but i know it was not me

pawn Код:
stock RandomNumber(...)
    return getarg(random(numarg()));

//use it like

SetTimer("RandomWeather",60000,true); // In OnGameModeInit
forward RandomWeather(); // Outside any other callback
public RandomWeather() // Outside any other callback
   return SetWeather(RandomNumber(20,15,7));

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