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[Tutorial] How to make Random weather. - Printable Version

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How to make Random weather. - Tee - 05.02.2011

Hello SA-MP members. I had this in my GM for a long time, so i thought i should not be the only one to know how to do it.
So i decided to share it with you all. I think it would be great for RP servers like mine.

Here goes, we need to make a new variable.

pawn Код:
new Weather;
Then we need to make a function and forward it.

pawn Код:
forward RandomWeather();
public RandomWeather()

That by itself will do nothing so here is where the advance part comes in.
We need a Timer to set when to change the weather. Put the timer under, "OnGamModeInit();"

pawn Код:
SetTimer("RandomWeather",60000,true);//This sets the timer that will be repeated for 1 minute (1000 ms = 1 second) hence 1000 x 60 = 60000 (1 minute)
Now we will soon be finished but we need to add the rest of what the function will do.

pawn Код:
public RandomWeather()
    Weather = random(20);//The variable that we created will hold the random weather.
    SetWeather(Weather);//This will set the weather to a random number which is held in the variable "Weather"
I suggest you look here: Click Me, for the ids of the weather so you can know what you want.

We are finished. Thanks for reading and Learning.

Re: How to make Random weather. - Ockad - 05.02.2011

Hey thanks!
Really helpful and useful.
Just one minor question: Where do I put the 'public GlobalWeather()' ?

Re: How to make Random weather. - [03]Garsino - 05.02.2011

Did you even try to compile your script?

pawn Код:
forward RandomWeather();
public GlobalWeather()
You forward a public named "RandomWeather" but the public itself is named "GlobalWeather".

Also, there is no need for a global variable.

pawn Код:
public GlobalWeather()
    return SetWeather(random(20)); //This will set the weather to a random number which is held in the variable "Weather"

Re: How to make Random weather. - Antonio [G-RP] - 05.02.2011


forward RandomWeather();
public GlobalWeather()


Why the fuck are you messing up the headers?

EDIT: Too late

Re: How to make Random weather. - Ockad - 05.02.2011

So if I am right, I only need to use

public GlobalWeather()
return SetWeather(random(20)); //This will set the weather to a random number which is held in the variable "Weather"

and i'm done?

Re: How to make Random weather. - [03]Garsino - 05.02.2011

pawn Код:
SetTimer("RandomWeather",60000,true); // In OnGameModeInit
forward RandomWeather(); // Outside any other callback
public RandomWeather() // Outside any other callback
   return SetWeather(random(20));

Re: How to make Random weather. - Ockad - 05.02.2011

That is brilliant man. Thank you!

Re: How to make Random weather. - Tee - 05.02.2011

Garison sorry it is fixed. And Thanks to you all.

This is even easier.

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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pawn Код:
SetTimer("RandomWeather",60000,true); // In OnGameModeInit
forward RandomWeather(); // Outside any other callback
public RandomWeather() // Outside any other callback
   return SetWeather(random(20));

Re: How to make Random weather. - HeLiOn_PrImE - 19.06.2012

How can I make the weather be set between a number of values given by me? for example I want only 3 weather ID's. 20 15 and 7.

Re: How to make Random weather. - Jonny5 - 21.06.2012

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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How can I make the weather be set between a number of values given by me? for example I want only 3 weather ID's. 20 15 and 7.
im not sure who made this simple stock but i know it was not me

pawn Код:
stock RandomNumber(...)
    return getarg(random(numarg()));

//use it like

SetTimer("RandomWeather",60000,true); // In OnGameModeInit
forward RandomWeather(); // Outside any other callback
public RandomWeather() // Outside any other callback
   return SetWeather(RandomNumber(20,15,7));