Tabulating textdraw?

How can i tabulate textdraw? With dialogs you have to \t but with textdraw?

so its not possible?

Originally Posted by armyoftwo
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so its not possible?
Im not really sure myself (dont use a lot of textdraws tbh). I would say no simple due to the fact that \n isnt accepted, instead you have to use "~n~", and i dont see a "~t~" available.

You cant manually indent the textdraw 4-8 spaces?

Originally Posted by Kyosaur
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Im not really sure myself (dont use a lot of textdraws tbh). I would say no simple due to the fact that \n isnt accepted, instead you have to use "~n~", and i dont see a "~t~" available.

You cant manually indent the textdraw 4-8 spaces?
I haven't really tried Spaces although I use this character '_' to space my characters in textdraws.

Text Colors

    * ~n~ New line 

    * ~r~ Red 

    * ~g~ Green 

    * ~b~ Blue 

    * ~w~ White 

    * ~y~ Yellow 

    * ~p~ Purple 

    * ~l~ Black 

    * ~h~ Turn text colour lighter (used too much will make your text white, doesnt work on black) 

Special Text Letters

    * ~u~ up arrow (grey) 

    * ~d~ down arrow (grey) 

    * ~<~ left arrow (grey) 

    * ~>~ right arrow (grey) 

    * ] displays a * symbol (Only in text styles 3, 4 and 5) 

    * ~k~ keyboard key mapping (eg ~k~~VEHICLE_TURRETLEFT~ and ~k~~PED_FIREWEAPON~. Look here for a list of keys
Wiki results. Seems to be NO ~t~.

there's a way to make the font all fixed width, and you could script a way to add dynamic tabulates

like if you wanted 2 columns, the first being 10 characters long.
1. joker (10 - strlen(1. joker)) = 2 spaces after.

The problem is that i will make the textdraw dynamic like items menu, spacing wont do the trick.

SLOT ID         ITEM              AMOUNT
0               Knife             1


I also had this problem, the only way to solve this, is to use 3 textdraws.
the first one for cumumn 1, the second one for cumumn 2, ...

or use a dialog with \t tabulate

Oh thanks,
I will have to use seperate textdraw only for item column because i dont think that player's slot ID will reach more than 100

yes, but the character 1 is thinner than character 8 so they won't be alligned exactly perfect.

you could also add something like this:
if(id < 10) spaces = " ";
if(id >= 10 && < 100) spaces = "  ";

format(.... "%i%s%s", playerid, spaces, otherstuffyoumaywanttoplace);
so that it's better aligned

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