06.01.2011, 22:51
How To Make Score System With Timers
I'll be showing u today how to make score system with timers....first we will be defining them then set the timers then set the publics to gain score and killtimers after u gain it
so it doesnt just reapet all over and i'll be making if player already have score < 2 ,, 2= number of timers scores u did so if u loged out and loged in just doesnt repeat
The Start
so first lets define our timers
pawn Code:
new ScoreTimer1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ScoreTimer2[MAX_PLAYERS];
so now we will set the timers
pawn Code:
ScoreTimer1[playerid] = SetTimerEx("AddScore1", 60000, true, "i", playerid);
ScoreTimer2[playerid] = SetTimerEx("AddScore2", 120000, true, "i", playerid);
1000 = 1second 1minute = 60000 1hr = 3,600,000 so if u want it by hours just multiply 3,600,000 x [number of hrs] to get u the number of hrs u want in milliseconds
So after ur done with setting ur timers now lets go to the part of gaining score and killtimer after the timer pass
and gaining the score
pawn Code:
forward AddScore1(playerid);
public AddScore1(playerid)
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid)+1);
new string[200];
format(string, sizeof(string, "~g~U're now level 1 Congratz");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 1000, 0);
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 2)
return 1;
pawn Code:
forward AddScore2(playerid);
public AddScore2(playerid)
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid)+1);
new string[200];
format(string, sizeof(string, "~g~U're now level 2 Congratz");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 1000, 0);
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 2) // Change the < 2 of the numbers to the number of scoretimers u got
return 1;
In This Tutorial we used timers and game texts
1st (First): we defined them
2nd (Second): we set the timers
3rd (Third): we set the publics for gaining scores and killtimers
Now if u stayed 1minute online on server u gonna be lvl 1 means +1 then 2minutes lvl2 +1 more so score2
So i was showing u ex: for 2 scoretimers u can just keep adding to the number of lvls u want
I Hope it was good tutorial
Ok Thanks For Reading my tutorial i hope it was usefull for ur server
PS: If something u didnt understand in my explanation just post it and i'll explain it
Arshavin, Thanks bb..