Extreme Gaming is a new community which is focusing on the development of a new freeroam/deathmatch kind of. In order to finish this project soon, we require an mapper team and part-time scripters, including main scripter who will be able to manage all the other scripters and the 3-rd party scripters. Same happens with the mappers, there's going to be a main mapper, who is going to manage all other mappers, hire and fire them.
There's no date yet when this project might be done, but we haven't started yet. I'm asking for an dedicated team that will be able to get everything done in time and are serious and mature with what they're doing.
Mappers required:
Head mapper - Will have as job to control all other mappers, find, hire and fire them.
Deathmatch mapper - Mappers who are good with deathmatch maps.
Freeroam maps - Probably, who are good with stunt maps.
Scripters required:
Head scripter - Scripter who will not be doing part-time job, he will have to manage all other scripters, secure the script and will do most of the scripting job.
MySQL scripter - I am not a MySQL and probably, I don't know anything about it. I need a good mysql scripter who got experience with it and will help me/us with bunch of problems or questions we might have while developing our system.
General scripter - A all-based scripter who is good at 'everything' and can help on the development of the script on all angles.
Whoever that thinks that fits any of the positions above, just contact me on Skype. There's no reward, they will be staff members, categorized in "Development team" and "Staff team". Staff team, will be the server admins, while the "Development team" is the category where all developers (scripters, mappers) will be listed. Mappers wont get any kind of admin rank (except head) while scripters will get tester/admin rank.
Skype name: nikola_no3
Whoever is adding me, please say that you are from SA:MP forums since he will be blocked (am having bots friend request spam which I have reported on Skype also).
Thanks for reading.