10.01.2013, 20:59
// Attach Vehicle To Object
native AttachVehicleToObject(vehicleid, objectid, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ);
// Attach Vehicle To Vehicle
native AttachVehicleToVehicle(vehicleid, tovehicleid, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ);
// Set Vehicle Rotation
native SetVehicleRotationQuat(vehicleid, Float:w, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native ConnectToTeamspeak(playerid,IP);
native OpenURL(playerid,website[]);//website open with standard browser
native SelectGTAObject(playerid); // Standard GTA objects clicktable....
native SetPlayerGravity(playerid, garvity);
checkboxen in textdraws....
native ToggleVehicleCollision(bool: toggle);
native EnablePlayerGhostMode(playerid, bool:toggle);
native SetCheckpointColor(checkpointid, color);
native SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, type, color,Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:nextx, Float:nexty, Float:nextz, Float:size);
SA-MP doesn't recognize the "%" it would show as "#" in the chat and only recognizes a few alt-codes.
SA-MP client changes "%%%%" to "####"SA-MP client sends "####"SA-MP server receives "####"Server script takes over and changes "####" to "%%%%"Message "%%%%" sent to client(s).
native GetPlayerScreenResolution(playerid, width, height);
pawn Код: