08.01.2013, 08:49
Последний раз редактировалось Lorenc_; 20.01.2013 в 12:20.
Suggest features for 0.3x below!
Well, seems like there seems to not be any currently existing ones. Just keen on keeping this board nice and clean like previously.pawn Код:
// Functions for a possible anti-cheat if there is no cleo preventation.
native GetVehicleAngularVelocity( vehicleid, &Float: X, &Float: Y, &Float: Z ); // We have set, now we need get.
native IsVehicleOccupied( vehicleid ); // Should be a native IMHO. Creating two loops; vehicles and players seems insufficient.
native GetTotalVehiclesAroundPosition( playerid, &count, Float: Radius = 30.0 ); // Very, very useful.
// Nice functions to have
native ToggleObjectCollision( objectid, bool: toggle );
native IsPlayerUsingWidescreen( playerid ); // Maybe we can slightly improve body part detection with this.
native SetVehicleInvulernable( vehicleid, bool: toggle ); // We have to use a timer always... :(
// Callbacks
forward OnObjectDamaged( damagerid, objectid, weaponid ); // Check if a barrel was shot.
forward OnAudioStreamFinished( handlerid ); // Check once an audio clipped has finished playing.
// Some definitions for functions:
WEAPON_STATE_FIRING - For GetPlayerWeaponState
-> Perhaps also an increase to the character limit with textdraws containing colours such as ~w~ and so.
-> Actor system to replace the current NPC system (VIEW FUNCTIONS FOR THIS HERE)
-> Fix vehicle exploding bug with vehicle once you set a vehicles health to Float:0x7F800000.