"Unique", the most overrated word in SA-MP history.

Ummm.... how exactly is that relevant to being unique or not? lol.

Originally Posted by Deskoft
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I must show my clear disagree on posts like this. I know it's not your idea (To the poster), but you are attacking Liberty. I am free to host a Godfather server and play with my friends and talk in whatever the language I want to, ban whoever I want to, kick whoever I want.

I am literally allowed to ban on connection, and call my server the 'Noobest server on earth', and you can't complain about this.

Hosting the worst server on earth is not a crime nor it's breaking ethics and therefore it's not that hard to find another server to have fun in.

I don't know why you got annoyed on 13 years old people, considering you were that age too, and you were probably more immature than them and probably also wanted to have some sense of ownership (who wasn't played to control bases with friends or have kind of armies).

The world has fighted for YEARS and YEARS to get liberty, and then you guys are simply attacking that.

Please stop this kind of posts, it's not even discussable, it's clear, they are allowed to do that.
Lmao this topic is not taking away peoples liberties Were Just discussing the topic that "Unique", the most overrated word in SA-MP history."

In my opinion nothing is unique on SA-MP if one person does it, then the other thinks hey I'ma going to create it but it in a different kind of way.

That's my opinion.

Amen to this post

Yeah, right, create another gf edit and dont get creative.

I don't know what the thread poster means , but I like unique and innovative things.
For every individual though, the word unique means different things.

For me as a mapper, I consider unique to bring up something that does not exist in the server I am part of.
I don't care if the same thing exists in other servers as an idea. I am sure the version I make won't be
related to another servers' one. Plus, it will be something unique for the server players, which is the main
thing that matters.

" In your everyday life, you don't want to be 'unique' either. You want to be a part of something, maybe even be like someone. You don't want to be different from everyone else. "

I don't copy people in my IRL, nor I want to be similar to anybody. I am what I am because I choose it.

So the fact you speak a particular language, act in certain ways or like certain things is absolutely 100% not influenced by anything in existance? You certainly are unique!

What the OP means is people posting a unique server (in comparison to what exists) and yet has very little or no trace of anything different than what is already on offer, therefore it is not unique by any stretch of the imagination.


just lol.

Actually, in everyday life I want to be 'Unique,' well no, not that but perhaps different. If I was like everyone else then where would my individuality be?

Being apart of something? Not really.

Be like someone? Why?

I'm me. My own Unique person that doesn't require to be apart of anything, or be like someone else. Why waste time idolizing others when you have the ability to be just as good. Your ability may not be as good as theirs but it does still exist.

Enough of that ramble though, onto the topic at hand.

The problem with 'Unique' in SA-MP is that everyone else wants to be a part of that catagory type too which really doesn't make it 'Unique" at all. Really all it is now is an overused marketing campaign like; "Hosted 24/7", "No lagg", (which by the way since when was lag spelled with a double g?) or the new fad, "NOW OFFERING REFUNDS."

Really it all has gotten annoying and is truely a hassel. To the point the SA-MP administration itself has imposed restrictions on server advertisements, which by the way is annoying to people like me who have had a community running for over a year but can't advertise it because I'm not active enough to get kudos via reputation points (grr.)

Yet they still manage to do it.

Makes me wonder what other bright ideas the peanut gallery will come up with to inconvenience us old folks.

I feel like the old man of sa-mp because I turn 30 in a couple of weeks. Good God why do I still game.

And Infinity, when you get as older, you don't want to be a part of anything, or be like someone else. That's for the youth while they try to figure out where they are heading in life. XD

To hell with 'Unique RP Server' give me a few months and I'll show you 'Second Life' on SA-MP. Role play that oi.

30? Mate I am 26 and not far behind you, stop making me out to be as old as I feel lmao!

Originally Posted by Treyvan
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just lol.

Actually, in everyday life I want to be 'Unique,' well no, not that but perhaps different. If I was like everyone else then where would my individuality be?

Being apart of something? Not really.

Be like someone? Why?

I'm me. My own Unique person that doesn't require to be apart of anything, or be like someone else. Why waste time idolizing others when you have the ability to be just as good. Your ability may not be as good as theirs but it does still exist.

Enough of that ramble though, onto the topic at hand.

The problem with 'Unique' in SA-MP is that everyone else wants to be a part of that catagory type too which really doesn't make it 'Unique" at all. Really all it is now is an overused marketing campaign like; "Hosted 24/7", "No lagg", (which by the way since when was lag spelled with a double g?) or the new fad, "NOW OFFERING REFUNDS."

Really it all has gotten annoying and is truely a hassel. To the point the SA-MP administration itself has imposed restrictions on server advertisements, which by the way is annoying to people like me who have had a community running for over a year but can't advertise it because I'm not active enough to get kudos via reputation points (grr.)

Yet they still manage to do it.

Makes me wonder what other bright ideas the peanut gallery will come up with to inconvenience us old folks.

I feel like the old man of sa-mp because I turn 30 in a couple of weeks. Good God why do I still game.

And Infinity, when you get as older, you don't want to be a part of anything, or be like someone else. That's for the youth while they try to figure out where they are heading in life. XD

To hell with 'Unique RP Server' give me a few months and I'll show you 'Second Life' on SA-MP. Role play that oi.
Excellent post...and your not the old man of samp turned 31 not too long ago...

Possibly going to be warned for this off-topic post, but I have met an interesting person of about 38 years of age on a deathmatch server. He was more of a casual gamer, but he enjoyed the Grand Theft Auto series ever since 1998. I believed him, because he seemed to have the mental age appropriate to the physical age that he mentioned. (When someone goes 'lik i r teh 82 yrs old and u stfu yung manw!111' then you're pretty sure that's not true.)
We can't know exactly who is the oldest person playing this multiplayer modification, and I think we should stop letting that derail this thread, shall we?

I full-heartily agree with this topic.

I mean, I'd love to see a GOOD "Scratch" script, but every "Scratch" script is either just GF with a bunch of FS's added OR it actually is made from scratch and is the most boring script of all time (I could name some, but I don't want to cause a flamewar and I believe the servers are LONG gone).

If somebody could make a good "Unique, Scratch" script, I'd be the first in line to try it. Its just alot I've seen are usually just barely functional or just basic, bland and boring.

Being creative will make it unique.

Nice words, I agree, but still, it sucks seeing 9812742938 nabs using the Raven's RP script when the owner doesn't even know how to edit it... He'll just spam samp for help, if you know what I mean.

well thats life always rich ppl take a gm from sa-mp change the name and little stuff then u`ll see it @ hosted list well thats wrong other ppl work their ass off to script unique stuff (i mean script from 0) dosen`t have money to pay for hoster even for hosted list and if they have hosted list others noobs fights them because they think are better than them but the weirdest thing that game-mp is full and u`ll see new servers each day added on hosted list.

True words indeed, very good said! Everyone just likes to go with the fload. That's one of many reasons why server that got more non realistic things succeed but those with actual heavy roleplayers just fail due inactivity and things like that.

Originally Posted by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r
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Nice words, I agree, but still, it sucks seeing 9812742938 nabs using the Raven's RP script when the owner doesn't even know how to edit it... He'll just spam samp for help, if you know what I mean.
Yes !
And they don't do it just to have a SA:MP server and to invite people to play there, they basically just do it to have admin somewhere and to be able to say "Hey look at me! I have an own SA:MP server!".

This topic is unique.

Originally Posted by Porsche911
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This topic is unique.

Most server are as unique as Justin Bieber's talent exists.
So yes, "unique" as word is overrated.

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