Sync World Time

Hi! Sorry if this topic already exist but I want to know how to Synchronize the World time to the other players (using TogglePlayerClock if possible)

Or can you send me a code for a custom clock (1 in-game hour = 1 real life minute)

Originally Posted by Andre9977
There are a few clock FS'es in Script Showroom
1) Real life clock by tafi
2) Clock by KAPIL
this is not what i'm looking for, I don't want "real life" clock... I want clock like TogglePlayerClock's clock.... and sync it with other player (exactly as Littlewhitey's mode)

use timers and toggleplayerclock and setplayertime and getplayer time

Originally Posted by Khaled
use timers and toggleplayerclock and setplayertime and getplayer time
mmmmm ok for me, it will be hard! lol but I'll try

pawn Код:
#include <time>

forward TimeUpdate();
new worldTime;

public TimeUpdate() {

//under gamemode init
    SetTimer("TimeUpdate",65009, 1);

Originally Posted by cmg4life
pawn Код:
#include <time>

forward TimeUpdate();
new worldTime;

public TimeUpdate() {

//under gamemode init
    SetTimer("TimeUpdate",65009, 1);
Thanks! it's not perfectly synchronised, but it works! thanks!

Sounds sorta like you want a time system like my own... I'll explain what my script does & you let me know if that's what you're looking for

Every REAL second that passes, 12 GAME seconds pass, so every 5 REAL seconds mean 1 GAME minute has passed. Every 1 REAL minute mean 12 GAME minutes goes by & every 5 REAL minutes means 1 GAME hour has passed. Every 1 REAL hour means 12 GAME hours, so every 2 REAL hour would mean a full 24 GAME hour cycle... Confused yet? Heh, this was confusing me just typing it :P

Every 24 GAME hours would then turn the day (Sun-Sat) & also the date(1st-31st) of the month. Once you reach the end of the month, the month turns (Jan-Dec) & finally the year turns at 12 months etc. I use formats to be able to display ALL this information correctly... Use my time command on server would result this similar message:

The day is Tuesday, March 12th of 2004
The time is 5:07am

The light turns with every passing GAME hour as well as weather change, but nothing silly like clear day jumps to storm or anything etc. (Noticed a red sky once or twice though *Shrugs*) I only use 5 possible weather changes though and it doesn't jump, it checks the last weather & then decides what weather may come next... The 5: Clear skies, Cloudy, Real Cloudy, Storm & Fog (Also: Use the correct day/night weathers according to hour etc.)

Now if that's not what you're looking for, are you talking about the in game timer showing players time? I don't use that, sorry. However, I do have plans of supporting the calendar/clock by using Game Text...

Ok, but thats Game time. he wants Game time = Real Time. I have it done to mine but i dont know what all is needed. The code posted above was perfect from what i saw. Even mines not perfectly synced.

Originally Posted by warlost
(1 in-game hour = 1 real life minute)
That there is why I thought "Gametime", but if it's real time you're after, I can't really help much, sorry

well xGhostz ur Time is like crap doesnt matches a thing in game a minute = 1 real sec , urs... doesnt

Originally Posted by cmg4life
well xGhostz ur Time is like crap doesnt matches a thing in game a minute = 1 real sec , urs... doesnt
I think my script codes are pretty advanced, but don't call it crap just because it isn't exactly what you're looking for... I mis-understood what this topic was looking for EXACTLY, but I think I understand it NOW. My time system wasn't designed to know the REAL time, yet anyways. But it does support a full working GAME time system which works flawlessly. So what would I use it for? Well, I'm a RPG programer, most stores on server (Clothes, Gym, Cluckin Bells, Etc.) are NOT open 24 hours... Mondays through Fridays opens from 8:00am to 10:00pm, but remains closed for the weekends (In-Game Time)

Nope, can't imagine my time system could really be used for anything
Guess I'll just trash the code then... And then remove it from the Recycle Bin too :P

Originally Posted by Pghpunkid
Ok, but thats Game time. he wants Game time = Real Time. I have it done to mine but i dont know what all is needed. The code posted above was perfect from what i saw. Even mines not perfectly synced.
no, I want 1 real life second = 1 Game time minute, like in single player, but syncronised

This is an easy synced clock script.

It is not a pro script but hope you like it.

Untested !

pawn Код:
// top
new Timme;
new Minut;

// on filterscript/gamemode init
SetTimer("ClockSync", 1000, 1);

// onplayerspawn
TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 1);

// function

public ClockSync(playerid)
  new string[128];
  Minut = Minut + 1;
  if (Minut == 60)
    Timme = Timme + 1;
    Minut = 0;
  for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
  SetPlayerTime(i, Timme, Minut);
  format(string, sizeof(string), "The time [%d] [%d]", Timme, Minut);
  print(string); // testing only.
  return 1;
I hope it works
Don't read this lol

Thnx sooow much bonas!! i was looking for this also and it works perfectly, all players have the same time now, perfect sync , just everything!

U may be a little clucker but u're damn great!!

thnx again

PS: seen this was posted a long time ago but doesn't meen i shouldn't say thnx

Originally Posted by bonas
This is an easy synced clock script.

It is not a pro script but hope you like it.

Untested !

pawn Код:
// top
new Timme;
new Minut;

// on filterscript/gamemode init
SetTimer("ClockSync", 1000, 1);

// onplayerspawn
TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 1);

// function

public ClockSync(playerid)
  new string[128];
  Minut = Minut + 1;
  if (Minut == 60)
    Timme = Timme + 1;
    Minut = 0;
  for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
  SetPlayerTime(i, Timme, Minut);
  format(string, sizeof(string), "The time [%d] [%d]", Timme, Minut);
  print(string); // testing only.
  return 1;
I hope it works
Don't read this lol
I have 1 Warning with this Sync Script

warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "ClockSync")

how can i fix this problem? pelase help me


full xD

// top
new Minute=8;
new Second;

// on filterscript/gamemode init
SetTimer("ClockSync", 1000, 1);

// OnPlayerConnect
TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 1);

// function

forward ClockSync();
public ClockSync()
  if(Second == 60)
    Second = 0;
  if(Minute >= 24) Minute = 0;
  for(new i; i<GetMaxPlayers(); i++) SetPlayerTime(i, Minute, Second);
  new string[64];
  format(string, sizeof(string), "The time [%d] [%d]", Minute, Second);
  print(string); // testing only.
  return 1;

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