How do I count the time? [SERVER]

Well, I think everyone already seen a counting time on a server, at least once. When a race is over, or a time between messages (avoid flood). The question is: How do I count this time? Like Showing the seconds left until the certain period is over. On Gamerx, there's a house buyable, which shows: Time left to buy 26 minutes. And the time counts, and changes

Messages In This Thread
How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by blackwave - 27.12.2010, 23:04
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by WillyP - 27.12.2010, 23:07
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by Retardedwolf - 27.12.2010, 23:09
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by blackwave - 27.12.2010, 23:18
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by Babul - 27.12.2010, 23:20
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by blackwave - 27.12.2010, 23:30
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by WillyP - 27.12.2010, 23:34
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by [03]Garsino - 27.12.2010, 23:36
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by Lorenc_ - 27.12.2010, 23:49
Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - by blackwave - 27.12.2010, 23:58

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