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How do I count the time? [SERVER] - Printable Version

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How do I count the time? [SERVER] - blackwave - 27.12.2010

Well, I think everyone already seen a counting time on a server, at least once. When a race is over, or a time between messages (avoid flood). The question is: How do I count this time? Like Showing the seconds left until the certain period is over. On Gamerx, there's a house buyable, which shows: Time left to buy 26 minutes. And the time counts, and changes

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - WillyP - 27.12.2010

Easy, use some variables to count mins&time.

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - Retardedwolf - 27.12.2010

You could use getTickCount ( ) too.

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - blackwave - 27.12.2010

Originally Posted by [FU]Victious
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Easy, use some variables to count mins&time.
Give me a example please. Most of counting times I've seen were like: 5.67 seconds
Player %s ended the race in %d.00 seconds
Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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You could use getTickCount ( ) too.
I tried with a SetTimer together, and didn't count =S

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - Babul - 27.12.2010

GetTickCount. no doubt. it doesnt need a timer, and its only 2 or 3 commands to calculate the precise time in MS. no timer will do that more precise.
new TimeOld=GetTickCount();
//your huge code
new TimeNew=GetTickCount()-TimeOld;

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - blackwave - 27.12.2010

Dude, I just made a command:
pawn Код:
dcmd_range(playerid, params[])
   #pragma unused params
   SendClientMessage(playerid, azul, "Time is counting from now...");
   SetTimer("toxic", 5000, false);
   TimeOld = GetTickCount();
   return 1;

And a callback
pawn Код:
public toxic(playerid)
   new string[128];
   format(string,sizeof(string),"The time were ran into: %f",TimeNew-TimeOld);
   return SendClientMessage(playerid, color, string);
I tried this using a timer as "example", and showed 0.0000.. and on %d, 5761 (another example). Just give me a example of how to count this time, with a timer, and how to kill this time of keep counting =X

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - WillyP - 27.12.2010

pawn Код:
forward Round();
public Round()
    if(GameSeconds || GameMinutes)
        if(GameSeconds <= -1)
        new TimeString[14];
        if(GameMinutes == 0 && GameSeconds == 0)
            for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                GameTextForAll("~r~Round Ended!",5000,3);
                SH = SetTimer("ShowHonours",1000,true);
    return 1;
Set the timer to 1second, delete the unnecessary stuff, it was from my GM. :P

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - [03]Garsino - 27.12.2010

You could use something like this:
Example of usage
pawn Код:
stock GetSecondsBetweenAction(action) // By [03]Garsino
    return floatround(floatdiv((GetTickCount() - action), 1000), floatround_tozero);

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - Lorenc_ - 27.12.2010


pawn Код:
stock TimeConvert(seconds)
    new tmp[16];
    new minutes = floatround(seconds/60);
    seconds -= minutes*60;
    format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d:%02d", minutes, seconds);
    return tmp;
For counting times..

Re: How do I count the time? [SERVER] - blackwave - 27.12.2010

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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You could use something like this:
Example of usage
pawn Код:
stock GetSecondsBetweenAction(action) // By [03]Garsino
    return floatround(floatdiv((GetTickCount() - action), 1000), floatround_tozero);
Thank you.