Custom Vehicles / Skins

Whats the difference between putting them in the custom.img and the samp.img?

And no, you dont have to put anything in samp.ide or custom.ide, it will automatically replace the models for you.

//EDIT: nvm got it about custom and samp.img

Messages In This Thread
Custom Vehicles / Skins - by juuleman - 27.12.2010, 08:56
Re: Custom Vehicles / Skins - by SpriTe - 27.12.2010, 09:57
Re: Custom Vehicles / Skins - by juuleman - 27.12.2010, 10:30
AW: Custom Vehicles / Skins - by FufLa - 27.12.2010, 13:16
Re: AW: Custom Vehicles / Skins - by juuleman - 27.12.2010, 13:17
Re: Custom Vehicles / Skins - by Geso - 27.12.2010, 14:16
AW: Custom Vehicles / Skins - by FufLa - 27.12.2010, 14:18

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