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Custom Vehicles / Skins - juuleman - 27.12.2010

Hey Guys,

So, i got a question. I know how to add new objects by myself with the .IDE and .IMG file. But i was wondering, how do i also add custom skins and vehicles like GamerX does in their custom files:


Re: Custom Vehicles / Skins - SpriTe - 27.12.2010


Re: Custom Vehicles / Skins - juuleman - 27.12.2010

Originally Posted by SpriTe
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Yes i have 0.3c RC7 but how do i add my own skins or vehicles?

I know how to do it with objects i just don't know how to do it with skins and vehicles.

AW: Custom Vehicles / Skins - FufLa - 27.12.2010

Just add, for example, the bullet.txd and bullet.dff to the samp.img
Done (rebuild archive ofc).

Re: AW: Custom Vehicles / Skins - juuleman - 27.12.2010

Originally Posted by FufLa
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Just add, for example, the bullet.txd and bullet.dff to the samp.img
Done (rebuild archive ofc).
And how should i add it to the SAMP.ide then?

Re: Custom Vehicles / Skins - Geso - 27.12.2010

Guys guys,

Don't put them in the samp.img, put them in the custom.img


bullet.dff and bullet.txd, just put these two files into custom.img, that's all you need to do, don't do anything with the custom.ide or samp.ide (for vehicles atleast, I'm not sure about objects)

AW: Custom Vehicles / Skins - FufLa - 27.12.2010

Whats the difference between putting them in the custom.img and the samp.img?

And no, you dont have to put anything in samp.ide or custom.ide, it will automatically replace the models for you.

//EDIT: nvm got it about custom and samp.img