[BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync


i found out some vehicle synchronisation problems since the new streaming system in 0.3a...

some explanation:

public UpdateVehicleAfterNumberplateChange(vehicleid)
	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot;
	GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x, y, z);
 	GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, rot);
 	SetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x,y,z);
 	SetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, rot);
	return 1;
When i use this function. Affected vehicles wont sync properly to players who werent streamed in to the vehicle when it respawned. (position and rotation)

>> Explanation 2:
-player x exits the vehicle and enters an interior
-change vehicle numberplate and respawn it (using function above) while player is in Interior
-player x exits interior and see the vehicle with wrong ZAngle and some Coordinates near the original one

Sorry if someone else already reported this bug!
I hope this "bug" could be fixed in the upcoming release 0.3c and sry for my noobish english

Messages In This Thread
[BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by [NeS]Justin - 11.12.2010, 18:01
Re: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by Finn - 11.12.2010, 18:08
Re: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by [NeS]Justin - 11.12.2010, 18:12
AW: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by [Nino] - 11.12.2010, 18:33
Re: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by WillyP - 11.12.2010, 18:38
Re: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by [NeS]Justin - 11.12.2010, 18:38
Re: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by WillyP - 11.12.2010, 18:40
Re: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by Ash. - 11.12.2010, 18:45
Re: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by Redirect Left - 11.12.2010, 18:54
Re: [BUG] Vehicle Position/Roation Sync - by [NeS]Justin - 11.12.2010, 19:48

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