What does this mean help ?

Its means that you use Float in Integer, or somewhere is wrong parameters like SetPlayerHealth(playerid,100,2,4);

,2,4); woulde be tag mismatch, because SetPlayerHealth dont have such parameters

You could show which are these lines, also use [pawn] .. [pawn]

Messages In This Thread
What does this mean help ? - by ShawnMiller1337 - 10.12.2010, 08:44
Re: What does this mean help ? - by Voldemort - 10.12.2010, 09:32
Re: What does this mean help ? - by [DJ]Boki - 10.12.2010, 09:33
Re: What does this mean help ? - by ShawnMiller1337 - 10.12.2010, 17:14

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