Vehicle, afk, passanger.

Okay, let me see if I can understand this.

When a passenger of a vehicle goes AFK and the driver drives up the road, stops and gets out of the car it will all be fine until the passenger returns to the game - in which the vehicle will teleport to where the passenger was when they went AFK. Am I right?

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle, afk, passanger. - by GaGlets(R) - 27.11.2010, 16:52
Re: Vehicle, afk, passanger. - by Scenario - 03.12.2010, 16:30
AW: Vehicle, afk, passanger. - by Meta - 03.12.2010, 16:34
Re: Vehicle, afk, passanger. - by Sergei - 03.12.2010, 16:53

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